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About ariisamis

  • Birthday 10/13/1970


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  1. I am a proud mommy! Her voice is so cute,lol. I was also worried about her because she is missing a bone in her wing, but she seems to be able to get to anywhere she wants. And she knows the cage is hers.
  2. I just had to share! Whitney is talking, she says "whatcha doing Whitney poo" lol. I love it! I also love to watch her play. This beautiful bird has my heart!
  3. You all are a great group of people. I can't thank you enough for helping us though this. Whitney must have picked up on my stress as well, after making the decision today she has been very cuddly this evening. Or is that me and my imagination? Lol
  4. Thank you, however I have decided to keep Whitney. We have boned, and I believe that with help I can continue to provide her with a good home. I love my lil girl, and just need to educate myself more on her care. Thank you for having a kind heart.
  5. I think Whitney will continue to climb to the top, seems she loves this inside and outside the cage! I am going to get pillows and put around the cage. I am also thinking of buying one of those large foam puzzles(for children) to put ontop of the grate and put a blanket ontop of that. I welcome all suggestions. It sure helps taking to other bird owners. I must say I was very pleased to hear the vet say that other than her wing she is healthy, a nice weight and a beautiful bird! I am going to try to post pictures and keep you guys posted on our progress. Noted "try" on posting pics, I'm still struggling with my IPAD,lol.
  6. Thank you murfchck, never thought of putting the boing on the tree, what a great idea! I folded a blanket and put ontop of the grate in the cage but it does not seem to be enough, maybe I will get a thicker one or put two. Any suggestions for when I leave the door to the cage open and she climbs to the top(she loves doing this). I just thought she really does not play with the toys on the tree it seems as if they are difficult for her to get too so again the boing placed just right may help with that as well.
  7. Thank you all for your advise and thoughts. I was not trying to be rude at all, I'm just dealing with a lot of emotions regarding this situation. I have contact the breeder to see if she is willing to give any of the 1500 dollars back to help with a cage that is not as tall as the one I have. Please believe I love Whitney and I'm not saying that I would not have gotten her if I had know from the beginning because I would have. I would not have gotten this cage or java tree until she was ready for it, as wells as I would have gotten something to pad her surroundings with to help with falls. Whitney has become a big part of my family and we would like to make it easier for her. Thanks again for your support, advise and understanding.
  8. It's not about flying it's about her falling! Whitney has fell several times and cut her face. According the vet this will continue to happen for a long while. I am started to fell like some of you don't understand that even though I love her I am not willing to take this chance because of an INCREASED chance of her falling and opening her chest. As well as I paid a lot f money for a bird with two wings. If I had known this before. Would not have paid the amount I paid nor would have I had purchased this large cage that is no good for her. Would anyone buy a pure breed 3 legged dog for full price? I must do what is best in my house. I'm sorry to those of you who can't understand this.
  9. Yes, the vet was saying that because Whitney is missing that bone it is the same as a pinioned bird. she did say that it is not done with pet parrots.
  10. I have to return her to the breeder. I really hope that this was an oversight on her behalf since I now know she got Whitney from someone else. When the vet explained to us the problem with the wing the breeder was very emotional ans she did pay for the vet bill. She seemed to be very surprised that this was not just a bad clipped wing. I know that the breeder is in favor of clipping wings that's why she didn't think it was a problem when the vet said Whitney would never fly. She sold me on that before I joined this forum, but after reading and learning from many of you I prefer for my birds to be able to fly.
  11. Thank you everyone for your responses. I have learned that the breeder did not actually breed Whitney. She never told me this until now. Why I don't know. I love Whitney and I hate watching her fall which results in cuts and bruises on the face as well as the falls any falls are causing damage to her other feathers. I can't buy a smaller cage and I don't want to keep her locked inside a cage either. If the breeder had offered some of the money back maybe I could have gotten a smaller cage. My other concern is she will not be able to get away from any other pets in the house. I know they shouLd not be out at the same time. Also I know she is still a great pet however I don't think the breeder should expect me to pay full price. Anyway as a result my family and I have decided to return Whitney and wait for another. I'm just really afraid of a bad fall.
  12. Hello All, some of you may remember my concern with my babies feathers, well let me just say I knew something was wrong. The breeder kept telling me it was a bad clip. If you read what Dave wrote to me on 5/15 that my bird does not have a wing, you will know Dave was correct. Thank you Dave! The breeder and I went to the breeders vet today and guess what her vet said, my CAG is missing a bone in that wing and will never fly, as well as she will not be able to balance herself until she molts a d grows the feathers back below the missing bone. My concern is she falls and falls hard that she is bruising herself and breaking more feathers. I am so afraid she is going to really hurt herself. The vet (by the way is an avian vet) said she was born like this or it could have happened in the nesting box. She also said that birds who are in zoos wings are pinioned so they will never fly, and that is how my CAG looks. Anyway the breeder has given me a choice to keep Whitney or first pick at her next CAGs. I know that Whitney is still a great pet, but I'm concerned that she will have an increased risk for injury . I understand that a clipped birdies no different regarding flight however Whitney also has no balance. Am I bad if I return her for a new baby? Please advise. Thanks
  13. ariisamis


    Does anyone know about the cookware set, Masterclad that Costco is selling? It is suppose to be safe for birds, No POFA.
  14. Congrats. I know how excited you are. Enjoy your baby!
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