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Everything posted by bucketpunch

  1. Not to mention that there are plenty of online stores in the UK who deliver suitable cages... the solutions offered were in front of the op the entire time but perhaps a little too common sense and not sciencey enough... certainly not the best approach to making friends! It sounds like they'll need some help taking care of the bird including the basics *facepalm* sorry to the people who were just trying to help and got shot down for it- the advice here is usually very much appreciated, I guess you can't please everyone
  2. Oh forgot to say- found the breeder through an ad in my local paper if that helps
  3. Ok, don't have the parrot yet but... I've met my breeder and we got on great, 3 hours of birdy chats and meeting all the birds, he's the only breeder on our island, possibly the only one in any of the islands. I can't get my parrot until probably next year (after my wedding etc) but he told me he'll always be breeding parrots so to come back and he'll be happy to sell me one with a cage and an aviator harness (both of which he recommended), I would be able to visit any time I wanted for cuddles and getting the baby used to me and an aviator harness - all with no deposit because it's still quite a trust based economy here! It's probably a nicer experience than going to a pet store, plus as the same guy would supply the pet store, I'd be getting the same bird but with the pet store's margin added in but without the nicer additions of getting to know the baby, plus if we didn't get on with "our" baby for any reason, he'd be ok with us choosing another or if another bird chose us. If we ordered from the pet store, this wouldn't be an option. Phew- sorry about all that, my other half calls me crazy parrot lady... which is why I lurk here and learn as much as possible from everyone else, and I love their parrot stories All the best with your search Jocelyn!
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