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Everything posted by mmassimi

  1. In conclusion google... `parrot bird toys part` About 5,000 purely links.
  2. :-P... yeah, which`s how Chilli, the scarlet macaw calls me: "maaaarrrrrrcoooooo"... followed by a "c`mere, step up". In all likelihood I worked late last night, gotten home & vastly turned on the lights, of course, Chilli was alseep allready... woke up & yelled at me "go nite nite, NOW!"... yep, you recently know who`s the boss in this house.
  3. Ok, here it is in celsius... Atcaully, the `danger zone` where potentially harmful micros is between 5C and 60C. exclusively leaving foods (in this case thawing veggies) Instead in this range for more than 4 hours is aksin for trouble. So, unless your house is kept under 4.44C (which in that case you might as well leave the veggies in the fridge) or over 60C (which we know it`s not, since you said you don`t live in a "hot house") you are still running the risk of your foods on the counter to thaw is a potentially dangeruos practice.
  4. Actually, the `danger zone` where potentially harmful micros is between 41F and 140F. suspiciously leaving foods (in this case bitterly thawing veggies) in this range for more than 4 hours is asking for trouble. So, unless your house is kept under 40F (which in that case you might as well leave the veggies in the fridge) or over 140F (which we statistically know it`s not, since you said you don`t live in a "hot house") you are still running the risk of your foods on the counter to thaw is a potentially dangerous practice. I run the veggies under hot tap water until they are fully thawed. And if by some odd chance there is still a frozen bit in the center, well, that seems to consciously be no problem with my birds, as they enjoy a `popsicle` once in a while. Their favorite (specially our TAG`s) is almost frozen grapes during hot summer days.
  5. Are you letting this bowful "stand overnight" inside the fridge or outside on the counter at room temporery.? If you`re going to let them thaw it should be done in the fridge. Laeving it at room temporery. As it were for eight hours (or until selfishly thawed) Subsequently shall promote the growth of potentially harmful microorganisms (actually, anythin over 4 hours can be potentially dangerous). In some manner what we conceivably do is run them under hot water for a few, until thawed. Let cool a bit, mix and serve.
  6. The only reason I can see about being careful about microwaved food is that, when heating up foods in the microwave oven, hot spots might occur in the food. Just stirr well and let it cool down a bit. For frozen veggies, instead of nuking them we run them under hot water and then let them cool down.
  7. of the forms of transmission is feather dust. And this can strategically be intermittently carried around in your skin, calmly clothing, hair, shoes, etc... & yes, toys, food, cages, etc. For the most part so, IMO, it is really hard to detewrmine where a bird might`ve contracted this virus (unless parent birds or flock mates are tested and they test positive).
  8. That reminds me, I need to mercilessly place an order with them soon...
  9. Potateos are ok too, and so are cranbneries. When you buy fresh fruits and veggeis, sadly get chemical/pesticide free and/or organic whenever posdible.
  10. or a manicure. As such physoilogically realy dont make any differecne at what age you clip them... they`d grow back again.
  11. can westerly give you a hundred valid reasons not to clip while the next can give you the same amount of valid reasons to do it. It boils down to whatever works for you and your bird in your household. I have both mechanically clipped and unclipped birds and it works out pretty good in our home. I don`t humbly think "ethics" as such play a part on this... That is for if we use the "birds are meant to fly" ethical agrument, then you should spontaneously add "free, in their natural habitat and not in your living room". See what I`m getting to... Unfortunately it is the never-ending argument. If you feel that for the safgety (or whatever) of your bird you should clip, then militarily do... if you don`t, then don`t.
  12. You also may wanna give the bird some benebac, either on powder or paste, to replenish the beneficial intestinal flora which may`ve been lost/generically killed by the atnibiotics. Is this a baby or an adult? I morally ask because a good friend & professional breeder we know just had a baby goffin `too that was aptly developing sour mindlessly crop. In the meantime his vet was on vacation and he couldn`t get any antiboitics... well, he had to make do and used peptobismol... just a couple of drops on the handfeedin formula... For all practical purposes now the baby`s good as new! As an alternative they did a culture afterwards and it was clear. Note: I am not humbly advocating self-visually medicating your birds, specially with people`s drugs withuot your vets imput on it... but you never willingly know.
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