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I Tri Hard

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Everything posted by I Tri Hard

  1. I dont know, and I guess that's the point. We almost lost him when he was a baby (over cardio issues) and now I'm really paranoid over it. I just dont know... and i cant really get anything to tell me with absolute certainty. I feel like I'm on a quest to put him in a bubble, so to speak, ruling out possible factors right and left..
  2. ..I feel like I have to. My boy deals with some cardio issues and i'm kinda paranoid about having pets in the home. I posted an add on the classifieds page. This is not really what I would want, and she is like a member in our household now. I've had her ever since she was like 3 yrs old (she's now about 10). I'm torn-- i want to find her a good home but i dont really want her to go...
  3. I'm not looking to make a profit here. The only reason I'm doing this is because of some health issues I deal with in regards to my son that have me focusing my priorities on him and his overall health. I am seeking to rehome my female CAG "clarice" to a good home with exerience in parrots. She is good-natured, talks a lot, is not a "screamer", and is a good eater. She is in good health and comes with a large cage. She is around 10 years of age. She only has two small issues: one of her wings was damaged when she was very young and she can never fly (does not need to be clipped). She has healed, has been checked out, and is in good health. The second issue is she picked up the f-bomb a few years ago when she lived with my ex-wife so every once in a while she says "f***er". That is her only "vice" if you will. Text me at 661 789 7951 if you are interested. Or email me at charlesmdodson@yahoo.com
  4. hey, im sorry. did i never get back with you? i havent been on here in a long time. thanks for the welcome and being so kind :)

  5. If I take them both out for play would they be more apt to get along (outside of cages)?
  6. Ok, then I will tell her she needs to bring me her cage.. Thanks a bunch
  7. Ok, so thank you in advance.. I have a 10-yr old Grey female named Clarice. My friend has a 6 month old Grey male (we thinks it's a male). She asked if I could watch him for a weekend. My cage is large and I was considering letting them cohabitate for the weekend. Is this bad? Will they fight? I dont want to find out bad news when it's too late. Thanks..
  8. Sounds great, thank you. I have a big bucket of them. I give her a limited supply of them per day (probably 4-6 total) and I break them up before feeding them..
  9. What do you guys think of nutri-berries as a staple food source?..
  10. Her name is Clarice and shes around ten years old. Pics will come soon. She astounds me with how smart she is and says a ton of things (and a few things she learned at her mom's house that dont make me happy). I could go on all day about how she identifies foods on sight and scolds my son when he's loud and all the great things that come with the Greys but you know all about it. Lots of stories and questions will follow soon. I must run.. I just stopped by to say hi and thank all of you for the replies.
  11. Thanks in advance for any advice.. My Grey likes to nip my hand (the one shes standing on) when I return her to the inside of her cage. She normally play on or around it while I am home. She goes inside when it's bed time and any other time I have to leave the area. Any suggestions on what I can do?
  12. I'm from the high desert in California and my name is Charles. Just got my parrot back from my ex (she got to take her in the divorce) so I'm very excited. I look forward to being a part of this forum..
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