I'm not near as organized as you are Wingy, but I do have a binder. It mostly consists of skills like cooking with out power, what to do in case of shelter in place for hazard leaks, and other things you need to know in an emergency. I also have a kit with things I need for every season. I keep a bag packed for my dog and it's with his travel cage in a location where it's easly accessable and planning to do the same with Elly May when she gets here. I have back packs with importaint papers and a little food and water for me and my husband incase of evacuations or fires. We keep 3- 65 gallon water barrells in the garage, full at all times, and it came in handy when we had a pipe bust and couldn't get a plummer here for 2 days! You would be surprized how fast 65 gallons goes. But hey I had a shower everyday! The weather in Kentucky can be quite unpredictable no matter what the time of year. We had an Ice Storm (it was supposed to miss us by miles), Major Flooding, and a Hurricane in the span of a year here. Yes I said hurricane in KY, I can't remember which one it was, seems like it was Ike. My daughters that live about 80 miles north of us were with out power for over 2 weeks, and none of them were prepaired, even though we told them they needed some kind of plan in place. With all the earthquakes, tornados, and other things that mother nature has thrown at us lately I would be scared to death if I didn't have something put back.
Thanks for bringing this subject up.