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About parrotmomma68

  • Birthday 04/19/1968

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I'm not near as organized as you are Wingy, but I do have a binder. It mostly consists of skills like cooking with out power, what to do in case of shelter in place for hazard leaks, and other things you need to know in an emergency. I also have a kit with things I need for every season. I keep a bag packed for my dog and it's with his travel cage in a location where it's easly accessable and planning to do the same with Elly May when she gets here. I have back packs with importaint papers and a little food and water for me and my husband incase of evacuations or fires. We keep 3- 65 gallon water barrells in the garage, full at all times, and it came in handy when we had a pipe bust and couldn't get a plummer here for 2 days! You would be surprized how fast 65 gallons goes. But hey I had a shower everyday! The weather in Kentucky can be quite unpredictable no matter what the time of year. We had an Ice Storm (it was supposed to miss us by miles), Major Flooding, and a Hurricane in the span of a year here. Yes I said hurricane in KY, I can't remember which one it was, seems like it was Ike. My daughters that live about 80 miles north of us were with out power for over 2 weeks, and none of them were prepaired, even though we told them they needed some kind of plan in place. With all the earthquakes, tornados, and other things that mother nature has thrown at us lately I would be scared to death if I didn't have something put back. Thanks for bringing this subject up. Kim
  2. I have the plug in protectors, I've removed my what nots that I don't want broken, I don't have house plants except for Aloe, and I don't wear earrings, so I guess I am in good shape. LOL! She has found my diamond engagement ring and another ring on my right hand, and when I take them off she looks at my hands like she is wondering where they went. Do you think she will get used to them eventually? She is going to be a material girl I'm afraid! HEHE!
  3. Thanks Aerial, I hope I'm gonna be a good Parront, I am going to try hard! Chezron, I know, wouldn't it be awesome!
  4. Thank you Dave, it made me cry too! I am so thankful for these people!
  5. Thanks everyone, sorry it has taken so long to get back to you all. Jeff - She will be 3 months on the 27th. We get her sometime in March and can't wait. We are looking forward to the adventure, as I am sure that is exactally what it will be An Adventure! She is down to 2 feedings a day now and foraging for food, so she is well on her way to coming home. Lots to do before then though, painting and packing away things I don't want broken, kinda parrot proofing if there is such a thing, lol!
  6. Our little baby girl took her first flight around the room tonight and about 6:10 pm! Her hand feeding momma called and let us know! We are so excited!
  7. Thanks Dave007! I was under the impression that anything with teflon was bad!
  8. I was researching our toaster oven and coffee maker and called the company. On the toaster oven they said no teflon but it has other non stick material, so I guess we will be getting rid of the toaster oven. Does anyone know a safe one? As for the coffee maker, they said that it has a Phenolic Heat Resistant plastic coating over the aluminum heating plate and heating elements. Is this ok? If not does anyone know a good coffee maker? Also can anyone recomend a hair dryer? Kim
  9. DawL, I was telling my husband last night that you had a male that was hatch the same day as Elly, we think its neat too! Elly and her sister are still on 4 feedings a day also, they are eating pellets and experimenting with all sorts of new things. Her sister (10-25-11) has flown up to the side of the brooder box that they have been in for a few weeks, and Elly just looks at her like "how did you get up there?" It won't be long until she is flying too! Elly was ahead of her sister as far as perching and trying pellets, but sissy passed her on flying. Our hand feeder has TAG's that she raised and they are a month older than Elly and they still like to be hand fed as a comfort feeding. They take a little longer to ween than most birds, so I am told. Hopefully the time will pass quickly and our babies will be home soon! Kim
  10. Thanks everyone! We think she's just the most precious thing!
  11. Here are some pictures of Elly May! I hope it works! Kim
  12. Thanks everyone, we went to see her yesterday and she hadn't had her nap yet and was a little booger! LOL! But she did want to cuddle and get kisses. She came out of her cage to me for the first time and was very proud of herself (I was proud of her too)! We just love that little girl to pieces, it breaks our heart to leave her and have to wait a whole week to see her again. I can't imagine not being able to interact with her during the waiting process. We have a wonderful hand feeder, she sends us pictures and emails every week and you can really tell she loves Elly as much as we do! DawL- The hand feeder said she wouldn't be ready till March. I assume it is because she won't be weened till then. We also want her fully fledged before we bring her home. When do you get your's? Judy- This is our first Grey. We had a budgie in the past that was scared to death of us, I wish we knew then what we know now. We have 4 kids, 10 grandkids and a 9 year old male toy poodle named Laredo that is like our 5th child (he doesn't know he's a dog). We have been reading all we can about parrots and I am glad we found a Grey site to join. Are there any other sites or trainer sites that you all visit, that you can recomend to us? We greatly appreciate any information we can get. Kim
  13. Shelly, Thanks, I am in Campbellsville just south of Hodgenville. GT, The wait is killing me! Yes, we're getting her locally, we visit her every Saturday. I always found it hard to wait for the weekend and even more so now! When are you bringing yours home? Are you able to visit him/her?
  14. Hi, My name is Kim and my husband and I are expecting our female CAG in March! We are so excited! Her name is Elly May and her hatch date was October 27. I look forward to getting to know everyone and their fids!
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