So as you can see Im happy to report ... momma skunk has been caught and released far far away in a safe trap by a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. We dont think there were babies under the house, the screaming I heard she thinks was the momma and something under there freightening her like a male skunk since its mating season or my cats. So that being said, the scent is dwindling down a bit hole WAS filled in with bricks and dirt. I looked this morning and I'll be a summabuck if something didnt dig it back out however the bricks prevented it from getting under there. Possibly the male skunk looking for another "date nite match" under my house? I dont know. Wish I had my son's deer camera thingy lol.
I just hope whatever it is goes away I pushed the dirt back in and put a piece of wood over it so hope it takes the hint.