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About pkwjr

  • Birthday 04/05/1956


  • Biography
    Still living, that is all that matters


  • Location
    Motown area


  • Interests


  • Occupation
    Owner of a popular hockey website, Kukla's Korner

pkwjr's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I did a Google search too, this may help in the meantime. Good luck. http://www.justanswer.com/bird-vet/7jdbf-fed-african-grey-parrot-guacomole-not-feeling.html
  2. Thanks for the advice and suggestions. I see where I just have to understand it is a bird's life, I am only an observer!
  3. Bernie is chewing the ends of his Booda perch and within 20 minutes, plop, the end is gone from its fastener, then he goes after the bare plastic piece that attaches to the cage. Any suggestions for a 'stronger perch" or any ideas how to avoid this? Thanks in advance.
  4. I spray Bernie with a misting bottle on a daily basis and he actually enjoys that. Every seven days or so, right after the misting, he heads over to his over-sized water bowl, sticks his feet in, flaps his wings and takes his own bath for about 20 minutes.
  5. I rescued Bernie, a 9 year old male AG CAG about 5 weeks ago and for sentimental reasons, tried to change his name. After three days, I tried a "Hello Bernie", he perked up and started talking after three days of silence. Now every morning first phrase from him is "Hello Bernie". The name I tried to change from Bernie is not important, but it is important to understand he responded to his original name very quickly while sitting like a bump on a log when I tried his new name for the first few days.
  6. Thanks everyone and Talon, the sleep cage begins tonight and thanks for the advice. It is a nice sized cage and I will put some food and water in it and I will tell him not to poop either, LOL.
  7. Bernie certainly has kept me busy since receiving him on Monday. My life has turned upside down and now I think like Bernie does. Although I still can't figure out why he tosses his food dish, even while the food he likes is in it. He loves head scratches and wants them all the time. He has only said one thing so far, "Watch ya doin?" in a baritone voice like I have. I am learning his moods and adjust to them, but I know I have a lot to learn but I am willing to do so.
  8. Thanks again for your suggestions. Now time for me to go to bed.
  9. Thanks for your quick reply DawL. I have visited him at the rescue numerous times and the folks there were amazed the first time I put my hand into the cage, he stepped up and we bonded like long lost friends. It has happened every time and I have had him on my shoulder, and arm with no issues. Not one attempt to bite or any signs of issues. He was shaking a bit the first time I met him, but after that, he has been fine. I think I will try the sleep cage method. I've read no food, just water and a toy or two. Is that correct?
  10. On Sunday morning, I will be receiving a rescued African Grey CAG and have one question. I have a home office and spend 99% of my day/night there. I usually wake around 8am and go to bed around 2am (yes, I put in long hours but I am my own boss). I plan to keep the male, 9 year-old with me in that environment but I am concerned about him sleeping. I usually have the TV on in the home/office until I go to bed and am wondering if I should move him to a different room at his bedtime so he can get his rest or would he be OK with the TV playing and me working? I would have to get a night time cage since the cage I have is too big to move around. Your help and suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks.
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