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Everything posted by snoepgoed123
I second the Aviator Harness... Archimedes loves using it
when Archimedes starts getting toy aggressive, i'll quickly take the toy away and tell him play nice, then after he calms down I'll give the toy back. I'll give him 3 strikes to modify his behavior and after 3 strikes, I tell him that he's not playing nice and he has to go to his cage. Usually when he gets bitey it's generally because it's around his nap time or he's been out for a while
Ray what you're doing is awesome! this will be a valuable resource to members who have other birds (hey my ___ bird is doing this, oh i can pm ___ for help cuz they have 2) eventually would you want to extend the list to fur babies? I know many of us here have furry critters as well as feathery critters
Honestly, if this was legit, (which i'm doubting) OP would benefit from contacting thats the best chance for getting these birds adopted
whoa... did I write this? I'm going through something similar with my mother, Archimedes hates her... not dislike... really hates her... he'll do anything to try to bite her if she looks at him the wrong way... and he's given her some good nips... she really wants a caique... and we've seen some adorable ones... and they all like her but my father doesn't want another cage... (and it'd be perfect bc mothers day is coming and her birthday is coming)
I think he's got some wires crossed up there...
snoepgoed123 replied to snoepgoed123's topic in The GREY Lounge
oh another quick thing.... I think Archimedes thinks he's a caique... you see, Archimedes, just like caiques love to hair surf... and no, it's not fun having a 500 gram grey hair surf... just incase you're wondering... -
while your idea is cute... it's not good for birds, like others have said, birds need to make connections... words are not sounds, not for us, not for them. Words serve a purpose. If every 10 seconds you hear the sound pimperfutsel what does that mean? absolutely nothing... because the word serves no purpose... however, say for example every time you hear the word BAM you hear people stand up and run in a circle... guess what... that word serves a purpose... it makes people run in a circle... so the bird will then think *if I say BAM people run in a circle* they're more likely to say it because it serves a purpose... also, I did check out your app, bc I was curious, but $5 (for iPhone version) is really expensive... considering that top games like angry birds only costs $.99 if you want your product do well, seriously think about making it free to get your name out there... also, since the app is meant for a cellphone... how exactly is it supposed to work since when people leave the house, they take their cellphones with them? I'm just giving some constructive crit... please don't take it the wrong way
Archimedes is a weirdo... yup... I've said it before, I'll say it again and again, weirdo weirdo weirdo... now, why is he a weirdo, and why does he have some wires crossed in his lil head... first... he growls, that alone is not weird, but he growls when he's happy... when he's eating, he'll growl, when I'm petting him, he'll growl... either that or purr... but he's not a cat... and second... through my research, I've found out that greys especially are fearful of getting a towel over their heads... nope not Archimedes... he will RUN under the towels (and blankets) like it's the best thing ever... and when I lift up a side to let him crawl back out, he stays put... for whatever reason he loves it... anybody else have greys that do things they're not supposed to?
my breeder told me that parrots have a limited amount of tastebuds (i think he said 16) things like peppers have capsaicin (the thing that makes it spicy) so it could just be that parrots don't have the receptors that let them experience the heat like we do
Kinda off topic.... but I see you're from Bethlehem, like half hour away from me... what store are you getting your guy at? (always curious to find more stores that carry bird stuff)
lol talon, your guys are hilarious, it's a bunch of tattling toddlers over there! I'm happy to know that everybody has a bunch of misbehaving lil fluff balls... it's a good thing they're so cute!
Archimedes knows when he's being bad, or doing something that he KNOWS he's not supposed to.... for example, any time he goes on the chinchilla cage, he knows he's not supposed to be up there, and the little punk tries to distract me by looking cute and asking for a head scratch... or if I'm typing something up, he'll go after something that he's not supposed to, and when I reach over to try and redirect him, down goes his head, waiting for a scratch.... it's a good thing he's cute... :rolleyes:
of course, I don't need a grey who's on a sugar high (and other probs sugar can cause) Archimedes is allowed 1 chunk of mango... and thats smaller than a 1 inch cube
pardon me for jumping this thread... but is there anything that can be used for wasps? (we have a huge wasp problem)
Archimedes found a new food that he loves! MANGO!!! Last night I had a bowl of mango chunks and got Archimedes, figure he could try some. So I did the "ohhh so yummy" "oh this is good, no can't have any" and then finally let him try a bite... Oh he was in heaven!!! His eyes went all slanty (which is something he does when he is trying a new food) and he was just chomping away, and made sure he ate every bite and licked the bowl clean. We have pineapple waiting to ripen up, can't wait to see how he'll like that
Just when I think my lil man can't get any weirder... he does. One of his favorite things to do (when he wants to be a lil punk) is either fly to the second story banister or fly ontop of the curtains. Well of course my father hates when he does it, makes quite the scene (of course this eggs Archimedes on more, yes I've told my father to stop) I on the other hand have taken the opposite approach. I'll ask Archimedes if he wants to come, and if he doesn't fly down I'll say, ok, bye bye, and walk to the other end of the house. This usually gets him racing after me...However lately he's adding something to the mix... He doesn't like it when I *abandon* him in the first room and has started making this obnoxious CAHHHCK sound... which honestly I find hilarious... As of now, he'll only do it if he's up high and needs to come down... As of right now the sound doesn't bother me one bit... he's a bird, he comes with noise... And I know he's only making the sound to get attention as in "ohhhh look at me... I'm up here, and I'm not supposed to ohhhhh, hey look, I'm being naughty" he's my silly boy alright... we've also started playing the game, "find me" where I'll put him on the banister upstairs, and I'll hide in one of the rooms (behind the door, or wall, or just the middle of the room) he's actually really good at it he'll fly into whatever room I'm in and just kinda hover around until he spots me
What is Billy currently eating? You could mix the pellets into her normal food, you could also crush up some pellets and roll a couple pieces of pasta, or some fresh veggies, as long as they're damp, they should stick.
These are some really lovely photos, I can tell you love her very much. However I do have a concern about the chain around her foot. It's been discussed on the forum before that it's not the best idea to do that. I don't know if you are holding the other end or not, but either way is dangerous. If the other end of the chain is free, if she flies into a tree, she could get tangled. If you or someone else is holding the other chain, if she gets spooked, she may fly off and the force of her flight may cause her to break her leg. I'm sure she hasn't spooked off yet, but it doesn't mean that she won't at some point in the future. Please don't take it the wrong way and think that I'm bashing you personally, because I'm not, I just want the best for kiki just like you. If you want to continue with outside flight, consider a flight harness. A lot of people including myself enjoy the aviator harness. It has a bungee rope so that if Kiki were to get spooked off she would bounce back, instead of a sudden stop. There's a thread either on this page or the following page about a lot of us discussing the aviator harness.
What's the meaning behind your birds name?
snoepgoed123 replied to brianlinkles's topic in The GREY Lounge
Archimedes is named after Archimedes the owl from sword and the stone... I thought that the name fit him well because he will hopefully talk one day, and greys are probably one of the smartest birds -
I know that theres a lot of waste, but I would stick with the coarse. It's a good exercise for them to practice maneuvering with their foot. Yes theres waste, but there can be waste with small pellets as well... I was at the bird store last week and there were birds throwing out handfuls of food in single swoops... (granted they were macaws, but archimedes also goes through his food swoop days)
aww how exciting! you're gonna have to post pictures they're so cute, in an ugly (but adorable) kind of way
I third it... remember, you'll have around 50 years with your bird... what's 8 weeks later? I know that you want your little guy home... trust me, I was there just a few weeks ago... but having your guy come home when he's ready will be easier for both you and be better for him
thank you so much for showing us the video and pictures. The conditions these birds live in is horrible. You could try to talk to the shop owners, but I doubt that anything will change... these type of shop owners see birds like a piece of meat... and really do the bare minimum to keep them alive... I will say, as horrible as these conditions were, I have seen so much worse... luckily not personally... but still... you are really brave for going in there... I could never do it
this weekend I have a 2 day event in nyc, so yesterday in order to prep, I painted my nails... first time since Archimedes came home... he was fine when I first took him out of the cage, but potty time comes first, so I let him do his business and I held up my fingers with the nail facing him... well he freaked out pretty much *WHAT IN THE WORLD DID YOU DO TO YOUR HANDS* and refused to step up for a few minutes... luckily he got over it... then yesterday we left the house at 6 in the morning so I took Archimedes out for around 5 minutes because I didn't know if I would see him the rest of the day... I called my dad who was at home with him, and he heard me through the phone and kept calling for me... and was really confused because he hears me coming out of the phone, but can't see me.... Then when we finally came home around 7.30 I walked in and he flew to me right away, and was pretty much superglued to me for the next hour,