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Everything posted by withoutabix

  1. Next update Went to see Lola yesterday and boy was she in a funny mood, was happily playing through the bars of her cage. But as soon as she came out she was having none of it, screaming and eventually turned to biting, she then sat happily for 5mins then decided to go flying and then returned to her cage and sat with a right face on!!! We put this down to well, her being her just having one of those days I suppose, the shop have also agreed that in around a weeks time it might be worth moving her into the cage on her own, it will be the cage we're purchasing so as a bonus when we finally get her home she will already be acustomed too it hopefully. Btw will try and get some more pics on sat
  2. Hey everyone I'm Ellie's other half so decided to join up myself Dawl your very right about the shop where were getting her from they are very very good, hugely knowledgeable and are very patient with us regarding all the questions were asking at the moment. We have decided to take the girl as she is very calm and does seem to be very happy around us both, all three have started to refuse there morning and evening formula so getting closed to being weaned but like Ellie said still wont be ready till middle/end of jan Oh and here are the first pics of her , we've decided to call her Lola
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