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Everything posted by Silverthorn

  1. Thanks for your reply! I will definitely try the stuffed toy idea, being somewhat short i have much difficulty in getting her off the top of the curtains when she starts on big wooden beam so i hope this will stop her from going up there to begin with! Yes i do recognise the signs of when she's not happy to step up, I do try and avoid her when she's not happy unless necessary as nobody likes to be on receiving end of a beak! It's as if she knows i'm typing about her as it's been model behaviour almost all night tonight!
  2. The last few weeks or so now Lola has become more intent on destroying everything possible in the living room. Her favourites being the wooden beam the curtains are screwed onto and the net curtains underneath (she currently has her swing there to look out the windows). Though she is also partial to the sofa and the dvd box too when the mood takes her! Also about the time this all started happening i have been on the receiving end of some pretty nasty bites. She favours my partner Neil but we have a pretty ok relationship, though in recent weeks with her increased bad behaviour there has been much more biting and it's getting difficult to handle her sometimes. Her relationship with Neil has not really changed, she still adores him and rarely leaves him alone when out of the cage. I'm not sure what would have triggered this behaviour but i obviously want to takes steps to right it so that we have a happy bird and i no longer live in fear of getting bitten every time i go near her! Lola is 1 and around 3 months and we have had her just a little over a year. I appreciate though we have had her a little while now theres still a lot more learning for me and Neil to deal with as this is our first parrot after all. Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Just wanted to share a few photos of Lola since she came home with us at the end of January. She would be around 8 months old now. She was really quite quiet when we visited the pet shop before getting her but the last 4 months she has just come out of her shell and has developed such a personality! Always wants to know what we are up to and has come out with my favourite phrase (albeit still a bit garbled) of "Oi! What you doing?". Can't imagine who she picked that up from... It astounds me how much she has picked up already! I'm sure there will be many more photos to come in the future!
  4. She usually has an hour or so in the morning then when we are back from work then has most of the evening out from about 3-4pm onwards till 10pm (sometimes neil is home at lunchtime so he let's her out then too for an hour), on the weekends she will be out a lot earlier in the afternoon as we are home. We try to maximise her out time when we are home as we both work all day in the week! We rotate the toys and perches she has in her cage from time to time to make sure she doesn't get bored, and we do introduce new toys slowly before putting them in the cage to make sure she isn't afraid of them! With regards to who puts her back we do try to vary it so it's not just one of us that gets her out and the other that puts her in! She is very good with her stepping up and will always do that but when it come to putting her away she will use me as a platform to leap straight off and fly away as soon as she steps up! I realise i have a lot of work to do with her and i know that it's my own fault we have got into this pattern of behaviour so just need to break that habit and work through it! I'll try what you have both suggested so far and let you know how we get on!
  5. Hello! I introduced myself a while ago with our new baby Lola! (Will post some up to date pictures this afternoon) She's been with us now a little over 4 months and she is delightful (most of the time, ha!)! She has taken to my partner Neil more so than myself but we get along fine generally, except for a couple of particular times of the day when it's time to go back in the cage!! I bet your all thinking we have heard it so many times but i'm still new to this so i'm after some advice to make going back in the cage a less stressful time for Lola and me! She's quite happy to go back in for Neil 9 times out of 10 but when it's my turn it's like she has a sixth sense of what's coming and will fly away before i'm even near her! The only thing that will usually work for me is when she's sitting on her swing and i can sometimes remove it and pop her and the swing back in the cage, though i think she's becoming wise to this as it's working less and less! Usually by this point then she will fly to the curtain rail where i cannot reach without a step ladder (i'm not very tall) and sulk. So if anybody has any advice or could point out what i may be doing wrong i would much appreciate it! I hope i have posted this in the right section!
  6. Yes dawL we plan to visit Lola twice a week as we get our reptile supplies from the same shop. Thats how we found out about the babies to begin with. We are hoping to see her next on Wednesday
  7. Thanks guys, she is gorgeous! Me and Neil can't wait to bring her home and understand that it will take as long as it takes until she is fully weaned and ready to come back with us. In the mean time can continue to read up and start putting things aside for her and getting a cage sorted out. It was a tough choice DawL but Lola seemed to take to us more that the other two boys so that helped us make our decision!
  8. Thanks for the welcome! We are both really excited about the prospect of bringing a baby grey home with us at some point in the near future Will be sure to read up on everything on here and will keep you updated on our progress!
  9. Hi guys Been having a look about on the forum for a few days now and thought I would introduce myself! I'm Ellie and i come from Birmingham in the UK! Me and my other half are looking into getting a grey in the new year and I've decided to join here so i can get as clued up as possible before bringing the bird home! There's a pet shop near by which currently have 3 baby greys in (2 boys and a girl) about 11 weeks old now and we plan to keep popping in frequently until we can make a decision on which on we will reserve (won't be ready to take home until end of January we have been told). I look forward to getting to know everybody!
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