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Gandalf the Grey

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About Gandalf the Grey

  • Birthday 08/12/1988

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I just got back from the vet, he said it's nothing to worry about, the nostril isn't blocked, there is nothing coming out of there, and it will probably go away by itself... however he said that Gandalf should gain some weight..... how can i make him gain weight?
  2. Hi, ... i have another problem.... The area around one of Gandalfs nostrils is swollen.... the nostril is also bigger. I added some pics, you can see the swollen area when you look at the part where the beak meets the skin near the nostril. Also the part inside the nostril(have no idea how it's called), is way back inside then on the other one. (pics won't show it well here...) I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow.... Does any one know what is it?
  3. The vet said he is ok, but he is not an avian vet. but he is fine now thx friends!
  4. Hi, i need some help. My parrot chipped his lower beak, he was chewing a metal button on my jeans. will it grow back? here are some pics.
  5. A wonderful thing has happened today! I have Gandalf for 2 weeks now, and we didn't bonded so well. he wouldn't let me touch him without threatening to bite me, and rarely climbed on my shoulder. today i was at work for 14 hours, when i came back, Gandalf started whistling and calling me, and just went crazy at the bottom of his cage. when i opened the top of the cage, he immediately climbed out and set on my shoulder. i can now scratch his head pet him on the back and everything, he wont try to bite me and even loves it!
  6. lol dont know about the cafe, but this is how it looks now: he wont even lets me scratch his head, so a shower is 2 soon. I'm taking him to the vet on friday.
  7. I haven't given him a shower yet.... so i dont know. i'll try some different games. Yes mistyparrot, i'm in Eilat.
  8. Ok, thank you all, i'll take him to the vet..... and about google... it's not that i dont know where to look, i just happen to know all the vets in the city(4), and non is an avian vet, the city near by is 250 km away.
  9. No, i live in a small city and there is no avian vet here, just normal ones. does it really looks that unusual?
  10. O and 1 more thing.... could the puffed feathers be because of molting? cuz there are a lot of feathers flying off him(the white fluffy stuff).
  11. Thank you all for you comments. I only have him for 2 weeks, the video was made when i had him for 2 days, maybe that is the reason he is a bit cautious and slow. and are you saying there is something strange with the feathers? o and he eats normaly.
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