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Everything posted by Sacr69

  1. Hi All, Thank you all for the responses Well you all have valid points and as stated earlier it was just a thought so to speak, Its good to know you guys on this forum care, and that being said i never thought about how it would distance us from Spartan, Again if thats the case, such that the bird will not show any intrest than i for one will never do it, Thanks again all, it does make alot of sense when you think about,
  2. Sorry for the late response, to be honest i havent a clue about breeding these guys, but will def get my homework done befroe i can think about it,
  3. Aerial... that sounds awesome, and yes i have heard those little grumbles, I cant wait to get A Mate for Spartan
  4. Hi All, Thank you for the response's, i really have a new found respect for these birds... I clearly need to watch what i Say now, These guys are just facinating, in every way... I just Love it
  5. Hi All, It’s been a while since I posted... Well as per my Title, I cannot believe that Spartan has started talking He is only 10 months old... October 1st is his 1 year Birthday... He says his name.... He Says "Hello Spartan" then strings a sentence... "Hello Spartan How are you Boy" I am in absolute Shock... lol.... He is saying about 10 words... and its crystal clear... Is this something Special? or am i getting all excited... lol :cool: He is very intelligent he picks up what we say and just speaks just like that. I would really like to know what you guys think, Thanks for reading
  6. Lol, Thanks, Why does he not allow you near him ?
  7. :cool: Well I finally made time to get some pics of Spartan outside, enjoying the Sun
  8. N the sad thing is that these dogs have such a bad rep, due to man... its sad, 4 Pittys Mmmmm that dont sound to bad, Thanks for you post,
  9. Nice story Munch... Makes you wonder hey what really go's through an animals head... Greyowings thats sad... bottom line is these guys should not be unsupervised... but then again accidents do happen,
  10. Hi All, Thanks for the comments guys, I agree with all of you anything can happen in that split second how ever they will be supervised at all times,
  11. Hi All... Just thought i would share this with you guys, Well I have Spartan now for 2 months… I also have an American Pit bull Terrier called Storm For those that believe that these are vicious savage dogs… Think Again… Obviously at 1st Storm did not like the idea of another Pet being in the house… and naturally Spartan didn’t like Storm as to him Storm is a predator, So gradually as the day went on I slowly introduced the 2 for a few minutes a day (with Spartan being in his cage of course) Then I decided to leave the cage open and let Spartan out while Storm was around…(Supervised Of course) Storm showed interest but stopped her immediately… This again went on for a while… Then I decided to take Spartan outside with Storm on a Leash and allowed some distance between the 2. I then noticed that both where getting a little comfortable… This morning I got out the Shower… Spartan Flew into the hall way to see us and landed on the floor, Storm decides to inspect… Guess what! They both just stared at each other for a brief 2nd and Storm just walked away Spartan walked up the bed sat next to us and just chilled out while Storm was still around! Hard Work and Patience Pays Off At The End!!!! 
  12. Hi Guys, Here are some pics of Spartan, they are not very clear as I used my Cell Phone, Will Take better pics during the weekend,
  13. Hi All, Thank you for the warm welcome Sorry for the late response as i was away on Holiday, Its good to know that you guys are around as support, as we all know everyday is a new challenge, I havent really had time to get Pics but will do so as soon as i can and will update you guys, Once again, thank you all...
  14. Akshar Sookraj

    South Africa

    1 Male CAG~ Spartan

    1 Female American Pitbull Terrier ~ Storm


    C:\Documents and Settings\aksaar\Desktop

  15. Hi, Thank you for the info, really appriciated... I hope that our guy does well, if you saying its good then I'm sure i have nothing to worry about,
  16. Hi Guys, I Have been on this site for the last 2 moths or so and have learnt alot regard CAG... I was fortunate enough to get my hands on a 4 month old GAG "Spartan":cool: That being said I'm pretty sure i still have plenty to learn on. I know that CAG's generally start talking from about 12 months or so. My guys is so vocal it aint even funny, He whistles words if that makes sense to you guys, and recently he has started mumbling in a deep voice! Is this normal? Is it good?... That being said with him being so vocal, could that be a sihn of him being happy? Until Next time...
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