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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Kiki has never fallen from her cage. She is the best flier of the bunch. She amazes us all, how well she flies. She IS clumsy when she lands somewhere she shouldn't be. I hear... UH OH! ( not a good sign!) Nancy
  2. Gotcha! Interesting! What will he do, if you put two fingers underneath his belly and say " stepup?" Nancy
  3. birdhouse LOL! I think the socializing is working! Nancy
  4. I think you have really COOL parents! They love you very much, but as parrents go, you have LOTS of training ahead of you for them . Not sure about that new brother Oliver! Wait and see. Great job with that curley rope! Kiki loves ropes and toys. I tend to love anything I can destroy and shred. I have to say, my favorite toy, is Sean's toes. He wears these shoes with holes in them. I LOVE to stick my beak in the hole and tickle his toe. He runs... I chase him. Sophie
  5. kallie... of COURSE your mom is your maid!She needs to wait on you hand and foot. Make sure you make a really BIG mess. Sophie I will be very proud of you!
  6. Jake.. Paul knows! Eat those sucky pellets! Your mom will figure out soon enough, to get you those sucky pellets, as well as other stuff you're gonna love! Rom figured it out! She gets me sucky pellets, as well as freezedryed fruits and veggies. I eat it all! She also gives me fresh fruits and veggies, which I never liked in the beginning, but Kiki was eating them, so I tried them. Now I have to get out quick to the raspberries, apples, bananas, sugarsnap peas, green beans, carrots, grapes and other stuff! Not to mention nuts and eggs.Give it a try... but of course, make sure your first attempt, you paint the walls with your food. That would make me proud! Sophie
  7. Don't towel. It will develop into a bad habit. Better NOT to stepup than towel. I don't mean to sound mean, but it will be a very bad habit, hard to break. There is no rush for bird to stepup. You are home, open the door. Read to bird, encourage him to come out. Hopefully, soon, bird will stepup on the door. Play games in front of the birdcage, with door open. Sophie first would sit on her door, eventually walked out to all of us. We just ignored her( although, we were all excited!) She wanted to play with us! We let her take turns stepping up to whom ever turn it was, and continued to ignore her, but we were willing to give her a chance. She wanted to prove herself, and her value!She was learning " stepup", but didn't know it. She was leaning to interact with the entire family, and didn't know that either! 12 years later... Sophie is the " QUEEN" of the game Trouble, Monapaly,and Sorry. Nancy
  8. Momo I am no avian expert, but I would LOVE to suggest, if you need stepup off the top of cage, get a stepstool so you are taller. I'll bet you a USA dollar... he will stepup!LOL Nancy
  9. I agree with Judy. Wash the blanket. Put baby to bed at same time everynite. If quiet, don't peek! ( hard to resist!) LOL There may come a time, baby is upset, crying behind the blanket. Of course, pickup baby, reassure, and then put back to bed. Nancy
  10. Bonding, takes awhile. For now, you need to know your breeder misinformed you. It wouldn't be fair to lock up dogs and cat. Do you have a room that you can dedicate to the bird? They can never be trusted to be together. Safety, is most important at this time. Nancy
  11. Cute as a button! Not a care in the world! Nancy
  12. I watched your video. I am no expert, but... it really doesn't matter! Your birds wings, need to grow in, and practicing flying needs to be encouraged, once they come in. Your bird is already trusting you! Would benefit with a vet visit, so wings can be trimmed equally. Balance is important Nancy
  13. I have all different perches. Sand... etc. Sophie the grey, trims herself. Kiki the Amazon, insists on going to the trimmer, and getting a "Spa treatment!" Every three months. She enjoys her nails and beak trimmed. Nancy
  14. Wingy... EAT! I know Paul! He won't let you go, until you weigh a certain amount. He's tough! Aerial2000 good job on that banana! Make sure you " seek and destroy!" Bongo... come on over... Kiki will have you flying in an hour! She's an Amazon, but she can " hover"! She taught us all how to fly! Corky... My Rom LOVES Ray and Bonnie! Can you come over for a party, or will they FREAK out? Joe... sorry I got confused! All of you guys can come over to my house! Its important to make sure, noone knows we are talking. Our parents will freak!I can't sneak on anymore, unless Kiki comes. She's gonna tattle! Sophie
  15. Sophie doesn't like laying on her back. She of course, travels in her cage upside down and has fun. If she gets stuck, and would do better to let go and land in my hand, she will, but doesn't like to be in that position. Nancy
  16. You go!!!! Music... is very important to my entire family.We all play an instrument or two. I play the piano, Sean plays the violin and sax, Ryan plays the guitar, and has the voice of an angel. Sophie LOVES to dance, and yes, she bobs her head. ( never knew that could be sexual!) She has more rythmn than the entire family! She clucks on tune as well. Kiki will only interact with the classical or instrumental music. Sunny gets excited, say's hello hello! LOL Ollie howls, when Sean plays the violin, Zoey barks and barks. Music gets everyone going in one way or another! Nancy
  17. Since you are home... I would spend as much time in front of cage with door open, interacting, talking ,singing and reading books. I would make both you and hubby responsible together, to do the feedings, etc. Let baby see that your relationship is equal. Greys will pick one favorite, if allowed. ( at least, that is my experience!) I am no expert, but Sophie learned to love all of us! Of course, she loves all of us, for different reasons, and always for her own personal interests. Thats okay! I believe birds are a family affair, and it takes years of patience to get there! It is worth the wait. nancy
  18. it is hard to get past your concern about being bitten, but it is important to develop trust between the two of you. I'm sure, Amy is just as scared, when you try to get her to stepup. Open the door, talk to her, read a children's book to her. Thank her for hanging out together. Do it daily, don't have any expectations. Over and over, to the point, she expects this time together. You are developing trust. It doesn't happen overnite. I am no expert, but after having birds for many years, I was at my birdstore when an adorable new baby flew to the ground after meeting new parrents. Everyone that worked at the store, were busy, new parrents were scared. Tried to pick up baby with no results. I only intervened since bird was scared as well as new mom and dad. I picked up baby with " stepup", he struggled, but knew I was helping him out and knew I was no threat.Baby sensed my confidence. That being said.... the day I picked up Sophie at the age of two... she was sitting on my shoulder within two minutes of picking her up in the car. We all freaked out! She laughed soooo hard! We have come along way the past decade! This family has been thourougly trained by Sophie. Nancy
  19. Too tall! A stepup gym, is encouraged. Bigger, is never better! Nancy
  20. No way, can you survive with a room full of carpet. Hardwood floors, yes. Put painters plastic under cages. At least 15 by 15. Nancy
  21. I am completely computer illiterate! I see a baby, that is very content Nancy
  22. I am sooo sorry for your loss. I am sorry I missed this post.You offered Anya, a wonderful family home, and I am sure she knew you loved her. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Nancy
  23. Complete affection, and bonding. You are very lucky! Your baby is loving you back! Nancy
  24. Flapping, is an excellent sign your baby wants to learn how to fly! I'm sorry to say, I'm not an expert on wing development. Show some pictures... I'm sure others here can help you. It is important to practice flying. Nancy
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