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About german_chick

  • Birthday 07/08/1977

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. yes I will, since that would be my only choice, I work in that college town as well.
  2. wow that is amazing lol, I have been trying to get a CAG and had one on craigs list only to find him sold when I contacted the seller again after the add had been flagged for the upteenth time. Online all you find are scammers trying to get money with no bird in sight. I'm still looking to find my CAG after my recent loss of my 2 budgies due to old age hope all goes well for you Jazzifaye.
  3. I live in a small town in AR our local vet's arent even avian vets, there are a few avian vets in a college town an hour away from me. There used to be a breeder in a town called Hope, AR I beleive when I was searchig a few years back but I have been unable to locate them online or any info on them. Pretty much all sites I pull up online are scammers and nothing is located in AR. I will check with the avian vets in that college town to see where I get with them. I recently lost my 2 parakeets due to old age and really miss them.
  4. thanks, for that info. It is amazing how many crooks are on the internet trying to rob you of your money when it comes to getting a pet. so sad
  5. Hello, new to the forum, I have been looking to get a grey for a while now and was previously dealing with scammers. I thought I had a CAG on craigslist but he is now "sold" not sure if it was real anyway. For the most part I cant seem to find a "real" breeder they are all scammers when I google it. Does anyone know of a reputable breeder I can deal with to get a CAG? I would prefer one in driving distance to me so I wouldnt have to ship if at all possible but would consider shipping with delta or something like that. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I live in AR. TIA
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