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About CAGRico

  • Birthday 07/25/1967

CAGRico's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. How about the human kids responding with "Rico wouldn't have gotten in trouble for that!"
  2. Hi everyone, I am a new zon owner. I had been visiting one every day at a very good shop here in Phoenix. Lucia is a yellow Naped amazon. She:cool: had a sister in the shop with her and seemed very happy so I wasn't in a rush to pick her up. I took my wife and CAG in to finally meet Lucia and to my suprise, she was alone. Her sister went home 20 minutes ago. Well we visited for an hour and a half then brought her home that night. We couldn't leave her there alone. At home now, taking one day at a time, it is going to be a slow patient process to get Rico (CAG) and Lucia to hopefully form a bond. It seems that everyday, we get closer and closer. Rico has no problem eating his bowl clean and make his way to Lucia's cage and clean her out while Lucia is purchased high on top of her cage unsuspecting what is going on just below her.
  3. And here she is... My new Yellow Naped Amazon Lucia...
  4. Thanks to everyone for your info. Well, today was it, I have stopped by to visit with this particular Yellow Napped Amazon every day for the last week. She is about seven months old and well, she is now mine. I put a deposit down for them to hold her for me while I build my room addition which is going to be my bird room. I'll post pics of her when I have some.
  5. Ironwood is listed to have toxic leaves however the following site will help you out. http://www.mdvaden.com/bird_page.shtml
  6. This may help: http://www.petrelocation.com/resources/international-regulations/india Pay close attention to the following text on that link: Notice Regarding Birds: As of February 9, 2009, India prohibits the importation of all domestic and wild birds and poultry, poultry semen, and swine originating from the United States.
  7. I have been a CAG owner for a little over a year now. I have recently found myself visiting a yellow Naped amazon and we are starting to get along very well. For those that have both a CAG and a YNA, would you mind sharing your expieriences and let me know how the two compare. Do the two get along? Thanks!
  8. Hmm, leaving Portland for Phoenix, have you experienced one of our summers? As for the scorps, if you are moving to a well established area, you don't have much to worry about. I have been here all my life and never had one in my house or even my neighborhood that I know of. I do know that the DE is common to use. It doesn't take much around the perimeter of your house if you have them in the area, if you don't, there is nothing to worry about. Talk to your neighbors to see if they have had them around.
  9. I have only my one CAG. As a kid, I had a large outdoor cage with about 30+ parakeets so I have always liked birds. Rico was not planned. He was the result of visiting a very good shop a few times only to find Rico always the one to come see me. He was six months old when he adopted me and he has now owned me for a little over a year with no regrets. He has considered getting me a friend but like me, he is waiting for the right one to come along. It may be a CAG, TAG or some sort of Amazon. I'm sure when the right one comes along, it'll let us know. Good luck with whatever type of bird chooses you...
  10. Rico giving me the "Stink Eye" He loves his hand toys...
  11. I have only had Rico for a year and couldn't bare the thought of parting with him, I certainly could not imagine how you feel. Rico and I would love to give her a good home but we are in Arizona. I am trying to find him the perfect friend but the right one has not yet found us as he found me.
  12. Hi, my name is Mike. I adopted Rico when he/she (not sure but not the important part) was six months old. I have now had him for a year and he has become an awesome companion. Though he gets along with the family, he has definitely attached himself to me. Our night time bonding is laying on the couch wit him falling asleep snuggled under my chin. In the year I have had him, he has learned to say many words and phrases and has even learned the song "Brick House" from my wife! The most annoying thing he has learned is the notification sound that I have a new Skype message. You see, I work from home most of the time and he knows the sound and if I walk away from my desk, he makes the sound and back to my desk I go... [ATTACH]21080[/ATTACH]
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