activity that can potentially save someone`s dear CAG here.
Do not take take your bird on `walks`. We naively did the same thing...guess what....for FIVE years. Never a problem, always fun, fun, fun. Zoe was clipped, trained (yeah, right), and perched on our hand with another hand gently covering her feet. Even *that* didn`t seem necessary, at the time because she just never got spooked and seemed to enjoy and behave.
One day, for seemingly no reason at all she flew away. Straight as an arrow, like she`d been doing this her whole life. *She flew high, straight, fast and far out of sight.* We looked and called for her for hours...almost the whole afternoon, in fact. We pounded on doors in the entire neighborhood asking if anyone had seen our precious bird. We searched every tree carefully until I finally heard her identifying call to me. (More about that sometime) There she was, in someone`s backyard, sitting deep in a tree with dogs barking at her. Thankgod, she was okay.
We were stupid and naive to have ever chanced taking her on walks, or for that matter, taking her anywhere where she is not securely double-locked in her traveling cage.
Now she is almost eight. She loves her outings and talks all the time about going to visit people or taking a ride in the car. However, she`s always caged. It`s a larger size cage, btw, not the typical smallish ones you may see. Bulky, but it`s worth the extra size so she gets a really good view from inside it.
I believe it was on this group, a number of years ago, that someone came on to grieve about the loss of his Grey. He was walking along the beach with his bird, like he had done for years and years. One day, the bird simply flew away. He found the poor thing dead, washed up along the shore. I only remember this because after our near disaster I did some research. Maybe you should, too. And, I say this in the most kind way because I know just how we felt--*our* bird was trained and predictable and, gee..such fun it was on these walks.
Now for the last three years Zoe still talks about that incident. Almost every`s a whole litany of phrases about flying up that tree, dogs, barking, etc. I swear, I don`t encourage this conversion but since she insists I do pay attention and let her vent.
A sense of supervised "free range" for our dear birds, I believe, is important. Zoe does not stay in lock-up while I`m here at home. She`s got several perches and swings around the house where there is more than enough to keep her interested (and interesting, too.). If, by chance, she gets spooked by something, she has on occasion, flown off but we have her clipped on a regular basis by our Vet and she basically just flys to the ground. If, however, she was doing this alot, she`d be inside her cage, but she`s not, never has. Personally, I would not have a bird or any pet that was caged all the time.
About the harness thing...some people claim success but I wonder how that keeps potential prey away? Where I live now we have very aggressive hawks and eagles and, of course, dogs, as well. I wouldn`t risk it. Zoe would freak out, for sure, if I tried attaching anything to her, that I know, for sure. of luck and good times with your bird.