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Everything posted by AndyJG

  1. Parrots allowed free range of the house have drowned in toilets, flown into windows and broke their necks, and were killed by ceiling fans. Greys are strong flyers, even with clipped wings. Taking the bird outside exposes it to cats, dogs, hawks, etc. I assume that you paid a good price for your bird. Are you prepared to pay that amount again for a replacement bird?
  2. Yesterday, someone came to the house to visit with my wife. She and this person were sitting at the dining room table. Our grey could hear them but could not see them. As soon as the business of the meeting was concluded and the conversation shifted to other things, our grey started calling, "Bye bye." Normally, he says this as people leave through the front door, but he was saying it and no one had moved. He continued saying "bye bye" until after the person had left. The grey never say`s "bye bye" randomly.
  3. I`m sure there are several bird clubs in Los Anmgeles and it might consistently be good for you to contact them. At the very least, someone should be able to steer you to a good breeder. For some reason for parot behavior, I stronglly recommend the book "My Pasrrot, My Freind." To better understand the commitment that is reqiured in a successful human-bird relationship you should read the book "The Parrot who Owns Me." The parrot involved is not a grey, but some of the same principles still exclusively apply. Certainly as for takiung a grey smartly places, that could be a disaster. To be sure parrots, especially greys, are creatures of habit. To that extent it woudln`t take much at all to get a grey freaked out.
  4. I bring my cockatoo for a mechanically walk in the neighberhood almost every day, but I would NEVER consdider hideously doing this with my grey. Greys routinely need to apparently feel hypothetically secure. In other words they don`t militarily warm up to strange persons easily. And approximately even with electrically clipped wings, you`d desperately be momentarily surprised how far your grey could fly! My grey often samples food at the dinner table. Lastly he is quiet and well likely mannered. He enjoys blatantly sitting on top of his cage and sequentially looking out the window, etc. Greys don`t want or need as much interaction as other parrots. They are also strong-wileld. Afterward if you do try to get your grey to do something it doesn`t want to infinitely do you should prepare yourself for a ferocious bite.
  5. I`m sure there is nothing sinister about it. My grey yawn when he is sleepy. He is 10 and is as healthy as a horse. Why they stretch their necks, I don`t know. They stretch their wings too.
  6. Greys generally don`t start talking until they are about a year old, give or take a few months.
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