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Life is Greyt

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Status Updates posted by Life is Greyt

  1. Thanks Judygram!! I was hoping people would laugh and not be offended :)

  2. Yay for Barnaby!! :)

    Little Chickie was hatched on 8/17 and came home at the beginning of December, so she was just shy of 4 months when she came home. She had been down to only 1 feeding a day for a while, but my breeder was also concerned with letting her properly fledge before she came home and we trimmed her wings. She had to be able to fly and make good "choices" about landing spots. I know it's controversial, but she is currently clipped just enough to limit her flight distance. She can still fly, but she cannot get a lot of lift or fly long distances. After talking with my breeder we decided that would be the best idea while she's young and we're working on building our relationship. Probably when she's older I'll let her grow out and be fully flighted. I can't remember, is Grimm close enough that you will drive to go get him, or will he have to be shipped to you?

  3. Hey there! So sad to hear you had pneumonia. :S. But at least you're feeling better. Miss Chickie is doing well. Sitting on her tree right now eating some Harrison's Nachos Frijoles...seems to like it so far. She's getting into a little nippy independent stage, so we're working on that. How's Barnaby doing? How soon before Grimm joins the fam?? :)

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