I gotcha, A good alternative to metal chain for toys is Cotton Clothesline, again you can cut it to length and string up just about anything you want with a knot in between each item. We make a ton of wood/plastic chew toys that we string with the clothesline and it works great. Plus its really hard for them to chew through. I also use it for wrapping foot posts on my PVC perches so they have something to dig their nails into and its cheap enough to just remove and throw away once its gets dirty or sticky!
Almost forgot, those arent zip ties! they are actually straws haha all of our birds love playing with them for some reason so I just grab bunch and tie them together with another straw, and then tie the clump I just made to the chains! I used to use zip ties in the aviary but it got old reconnecting everything on a daily basis, our macaw finds great pleasure in disassembling anything I make and snapping zip ties is also a favorite past time so I try and make things that are easily reassembled. The s hooks are great for reconnecting busted chains.