The other grey was one of the other babies from the breeder that I got her from when she was young! They were all so sweet. Here's another few pics of Matilda just for fun! The one with her head tilted is one of my new favorites. <3
Aw thank you so much! She sure is a sweetie too. So far she says "Hello boo boo!" and "I love you!" She is a crack up and such a clown too. My whole family adores her. It is great to meet you. I look forward to talking to everyone more on the forums!
My CAG, Matilda's, first words were "Hello Boo Boo!" She said them at about 9 months old. That was just about two months ago or so and she is still saying "hello boo boo" all the time and she has just begun saying "i love you" too!
My name is Amy and I have a 11 month old African Grey, Matilda. I have had Matilda for about 8 months now. I just found this forum and am interested in joining and learning more from everyone here, so I just thought I would introduce myself and Matilda to the grey forums! Hi everyone!