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Everything posted by kylesheart

  1. the response from brdiecat is actually what i found was happening. and trust me it has been hard not to react to his show of affection. my gag reflex isnt enjoying this at all.... but the vet did condfirm this is a good thing and he is just trying to share dinner as a sign of love Becky
  2. tonight he has done a strange thing.... he is making almost whimpering sounds and reguritating food (sorry for spelling errors).. has anyone else ever seen this????? Becky
  3. I am so excited that i had to share this. We brought our 2 year old Loki home on januaary 30th. and just yesterday he started to listen to me and come when i called him. He also now lets me pet him without nipping at me. now if i could just get him to repsond to the up and down command........ and begin showering.. I am so proud of him he hasnt plucked or broken skin on anyone.....(*such a good boy*)
  4. I just wanted to post a quick hello and also ask for any advice one has to offer. we recently had the opportunity to bring a 2 year old grey into our home and Loki is a wonderful bird. i have been reading on greys and just hoping for a few pointers. we have a goffin and their temperment seems to be similar. so feel free to reply with advice. I must add that the previous owners punished Loki with a water bottle and so now i am trying to figure out how to get him to like a shower or bath.....
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