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About Coldshot

  • Birthday 06/06/1959

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Maggie was 7 and 1/2 when I got her and the first words I heard her say were Shut up bird! She has several different voices and a very large vocabulary. When the phone ring she is the first to say Hello and does not shut up until I hang the phone up, I have to take all my call's into the other room.
  2. Go through the local dog pound and make a complaint against the person for keeping the bird in such bad and unhealthy conditions then adopt the bird from the animal shelter. Or they may keep the bird but it would be in better hands even if they arent your hands. good luck
  3. Why not put a few toy's in his pet carrier and let him use it a part time play pen then he will like the idea of going there and if it gets bad he will already have needed things there and more willing to just hop in and get carried out to a safer place. just a thought
  4. It was a mourning a lot of parrots go through after being seperated from their first long time owner. Mu Goffin went through it but she got her feathers back really fast. Guess it depends on the bird and depth of love for their previous owner.
  5. great story I grew up in the cherokee nation and we had several wild pets once had a Horned owl and even a bobcat for a short time. We never kept them for life just held them during healing process then returned to the wild. thnx for posting this I love the kindness that others show to wild life.
  6. If you will look close the shape of your bird's eye you can get a good idea wether it is male or female. Legend has it that females have a very round eye and males eye come some what to a point at the back of his eyes.
  7. African Gray's mature between the ages of 3 and 6 in captivity. It may very well be a stage in his life. Remember your teen years? Just keep close to him/her and caged if it comes to that point and let your bird know he/she is loved and keep thing's as usual with your bird such as treats and play time and things bewtween you and your friend. I did lose a yellow headed amazon to a situation similair. He was a much older bird though. MIght also if it worsen's consider an avian vetrinarian. good luck..
  8. Hi my name is Danny and I am new to the forum. I recently got back into bird's. My first was a blue and gold that died several yrs ago. After her I went into saltwater reef aquarium's which I still have and also picked up another bird. Maggie is about 8 year's old and spent most of her life with an elderly lady. I have had Maggie for about 6 month's. When I got her she was really sad and had taken out all of her breast and leg feather's. I want to know how long does it take for her to grow her feather's back. She is very seldom caged and spend's a good deal of time with me and wondering around my apartment. She is fed zupreem and regular treat's. She is a very good talker with a rather large vocabulary and several other bird sounds and animal sounds. She seems really happy but her feathers coming back seem a little slow for me. I would like some input on how long it takes and is their anything I can do for her and are there any ailments that Gray's can get that would cause feather loss. They are growing back and she doesnt appear to be a plucker. thnx for your time and here are a couple pictures keep in mind there were no feathers at all on her breast area or legs when I picked her up. Danny Lewis
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