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  • Birthday 06/04/1985

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  1. For all you flyers! How do you stop your bird from flying into windows or walls? I had to clip my Zons because I was afraid she was going to get hurt. I really wish she could fly in the house. Our house is very modern with high ceilings and a lot of windows.
  2. Are double yellow headed amazons born with all their yellow on their head? Or do they increase the yellow with age? Please excuse me if this is a stupid question. I recently heard this from a friend;)
  3. Hey Everyone, I haven't been on this forum in a while. I used to have a TAG, but she died in a freak accident with my inlaws dog...you know the rest. Anyways I finally got a 7 month old double yellow headed amazon. I named her Kiwi. I've had her now about 3 weeks. When I first got her she could already say hello. At first it was cool, but no matter what I try she will not say anything but hello. She will say hello about a hundred times a day. So what I'm asking is when do most amazons start to talk? How can I encourage more talking. I play recordings and music everyday, but still nothing. She says hello very clear so I know she can talk well. But so far no other words or phrases. Also What can your amazon say and what methods did you find to work best?
  4. Hey All, As we all know our greys can throw food very far. I need help to find a tray or something that I can put on the floor near the cage to catch seeds, droppings, etc. I thought about getting a laundry washer tray, but still not sure. I feel like I vaccum way too much. I think the best idea would be a tray that I could put newspaper on top. Clean up would be much easier with this. What do most people do to help maintain the mess?
  5. I have these same bowls...they work great in the cage or outside the cage. This is a good price too on ebay.
  6. I bought a Dirt Devil hand held vaccum. It was the best thing I have bought for my parrot up keep. Everyday I do a 5min vacuum and it really keeps things cleaner. It was about $40 at Bed Bath & Beyond.
  7. That's a good looking Grey! Congrats!
  8. I have tought my TAG Zoe alot of the basic tricks. I find that the clicker training works best. I learned alot from http://www.trainedparrot.com. Good luck;)
  9. Very cool! My TAG Zoe can't fly yet. She is four months old. How long did it take to teach the recall??
  10. I'm trying to find a youtube or video channel for birds. I would like to play it during the day while I'm at work. I've read that the sound of other birds talking and sounds can help stimulate your birds mind. Right now Zoe watches Sponge Bob and anything on NICK. I would like it to loop all day off my computer speakers. I think it will help also with her learning to talk. What do you play for your Grey? Has any one heard of a bird video channel that will loop?
  11. How many people feed their grey tuna fish, eggs, or chicken? If so how do you serve it? I read some where that you can give eggs, but I kinda feel a little strange about it. Just trying to give some extra protein:)
  12. As always great pics! Where did you get the harness? I like how there's not much material to it.
  13. Nice pics! I like the last one with the cat in the window....haha! Glad to hear you birds are doing well;)
  14. http://www.african-grey-parrot.com/African-Grey-Body-Language.aspx Read this it's very helpful for knowing your birds body language. I've only had a TAG for a month and this helped alot. If it's just it chest shaking then it means she is happy.
  15. I have a Kings Cage for my TAG. I couldn't decide either at first. I finally chose the arch top aluminum. I am very happy with the extra space and so is Zoe. Also I got a Java tree stand for her to play on when she's out.
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