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Everything posted by Ajax4289

  1. I went to a bird fair last weekend with every intention of ONLY buying a wood perch for Ajax my CAG...but when visiting with some birds I met a very unique B&G. He was not handled a lot the last year and he was very nippy. However, within 3-5min he was stepping up to me, giving me kisses and talking to me. In the 45min span I spent at the bird fair he wouldn't even stepup to anyone else...so it's safe to say he CHOSE me! Not to mention his price was right, since he is a 2year old owner surrender back to the breeder they were selling him for $675. When I said "I can afford the bird but not his cage!" the breeder said he had a macaw sized cage that was dirty and had a rust spot(but didn't affect the cross bar and is still safe and sound) and he'd let me have it for $100...SOLD! My father can weld and my uncle does powder coating for his business! I picked my B&G up today. He needs some work with clicker training as he doesn't want to step up all the time and only on HIS/HER terms...so we gotta work on that. Likewise he/she is screamer, whereas my Ajax is a very quiet bird. So we DEFINITLY have to make him realize he doesn't need to scream to get attention! He is a talker at 2years old already. He says "hello", "step up" "come on" "hahahaha", "Wooo" ...He especially says that last one when he sees a toy or food he wants! lol He is a chronic head bobber as well and will mimic me swaying back and forth. SO FUNNY! So far Ajax is not liking the new flock member. He is terrified of him and will try to fly away if the macaw gets to close! I'm keeping them seperate and making sure to pay good attention to my Ajax as well. I predict in a few weeks he will get used to him and be more comfortable *crosses fingers* Having a macaw is MUCH different than having my CAG. Maybe since I had my CAG since he was 4months old I trained him how I wanted him to act, whereas this Macaw has some other good and bad behaviors taught to him already. First thing we are going to work on is that ear piercing screaming... He does NOT have a name yet although I'm thinking Rio...via my 4year old niece's suggestion. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150261695156991.324429.618501990&type=3&l=60235b50b9 Isn't he a looker? A video of him/her after being home a few hours on his new perch!
  2. I wish I could do that now. It's cold and windy where I live and lately no sunshine! But come summer time we'll take some walks! I would really buy one of those special bird lights but all the ones I found are $200+
  3. Ajax was doing great for about a month of not over preening himself more. Then one day while sitting on the perch next to me(while I was playing computer) I noticed him preening but pulling the feathers like he did with his neck.Man he could work fast! Ever since then I kept a sharp eye to make sure he wasn't picking at it again whenever I had him out on his perch. Then later he tried to start on the other side of his chest but I caught him and started to engage him and let him chew on my water straw(even though I wasn't done with it yet!lol) Tonight I brought Ajax out of his cage as was horrified! He has completly over preened his chest. It looks aweful! I can not think of anything that has changed to cause his over preening to get worse?! I do notice that if he has a wonky feather he will preen preen preen it. Maybe he's like me, and once you start biting on your nails you can't stop then you bite your nail so low it hurts! So is it something I am doing? Are some grey's just nervous over preeners? Is there something I can buy to keep him from over preening while I'm not watching...I've seen little jackets that you can put on your bird that keep them from picking.
  4. I found that private breeders are less expensive than "pet shop" type businesses. My local "Wholesale bird and Cage" sells their CAG for $1400 whereas the breeder I bought Ajax from was only $900. I think also the price depends upon availbility in your area. If no one but 1 person in a 200mile radius is selling CAG they can pretty much as for as much as they want!
  5. Yes I will be just as soon as my funds become available....however, I hope in the mean time they do not sell her
  6. Thank you all! I'm definitly more confident that I can take on this bird. I'd rather take her than have some random person who knows nothing about birds buy her and her have a horrible next 10years....I don't currently have the entire asking price they want but they're willing to take a deposit and hold her until I can come up with the rest. Let's hope they don't sell her in the meantime! *crosses fingers*
  7. Today on CL I found someone wanting to rehome their CAG. I called them up and we talked a bit as well as I asked a lot of questions. The price is right and the people seem like they aren't hiding anything and definitly want to find her a good home. Here is her problem. She was handfed/weaned by the women/mother of the family. Currently she is the only one who can handle her. She does not like her husband or the kids(so says the husband)The husband said she bit him once and he hasn't tried to handle her since(she drew no blood though) He was very cautious to say that he is not sure how she will do with a new owner. I believe through some touch training/clicker training I can build trust and a good relationship with her. My current CAG Ajax was not hand tame when I got him and it took a week straight of clicker training to get him used to my finger/hands and after 2 weeks he was stepping up on command about 80% of the time. Now he steps up 100% of the time and is my sweet boy. Do you think through training and patience I can get her to trust me and accept me as her new owner? I know greys tend to attach more closely to one person in a family but since it's just me in my human flock I'm not worried about it too much. Do you think I'll be able to handle this bird? Any tips on a smooth transition to my home? Off Topic: I think it's so sad when people get tired of their birds and post them on CL.I'm always seeing Macaws,greys,cockatoos etc for people who don't have enough time to give them or just flat out tired of them. Don't they realize they are not dogs? (In fact most are SMARTER than dogs!) They live longer and require special care that no one seems to take in to account when getting a BIG bird! I knew when I got Ajax that he will live to be 50-70years old. I told my mom when I draw up my will he will be in it! She exclaims "don't you dare leave him to me!" ...she's not a bird person lol
  8. Ok so he's not molting. But if he plucking couldn't he be plucking/over preening for a reason?Could there be a small chance he could have a condition?I think that is why my vet recommended another bet for blood testing/cultures.(she is an avian vet but not a specialist) Or are you saying that yes he's plucking/preening and that in his next molt those feathers will re-grow? This is my first parrot so I'm new to everything. I just want my Ajax to have the best healthy life possible
  9. So I've posted 2 other posts on this subject Let me make a long story short.... I thought Ajax was molting when indeed he is either plucking or over preening himself on his neck. Took him to the vet and the vet couldn't find any itchy skin. She recommended a change of diet(no dyes in his zupreem food),more baths, and MUCH LESS treats! We've been taking 3-5 showers per week and I've been trying to make him eat the "natural" zupreem pellets but he is spoiled rotten and picks at or around them(I'm mixing it with his fruit shaped zupreem pellets)It's about almost 2 weeks later and I see NO improvement. Np pin feathers coming in and in fact it looks like it's getting a little worse! Avian vet recommended seeing another more knowledgeable avian vet and do some blood tests and see if anything can be determined by that. I forgot to ask how long I should wait before getting conearned enough to do blood tests!(I was sick and had no voice that day! lol) I never see the big top feather that are missing around his cage or play areas, I also never see him pluck them out(could they just be falling out?) He's not plucking himself bald, the downy feathers are still intact(just the top feather gone) which is what confused the vet. So on to my question: How long should I watch for feathers to come in, or watch his spot? He seems healthy otherwise and happy. Playing,talking, eating right, and I've not given treats amply at all! Help?!
  10. Sadly he will not eat grapes,millet, or mango. I think I spoiled him early with salty snacks! ack!
  11. My little Ajax is spoiled. He is out of his cage a lot since I work from home. 90% of his time out of the cage is spent on his perch by my computer.(which is complete with 2 bowls at either end) After I got him I got lazy and tired of handing him treats every minute so I took to filling one of his bowls with sunflowers seeds and/or pumpkin seeds(all low sodium). The cup can hold a little over 1/4cup of stuff. I drastically scaled back his treats when I noticed he was starting to ONLY eat treats then not touch his food about a month back.(now all that is remedied) Flash forward to today taking Ajax to the vet for his "over preening" problem. FYI: Read below for original thread http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?194683-Is-he-plucking...or-molting&p=243898#post243898 The vet was kind of confused to his condition. She says he's not plucking but it's very unusual that only his down feathers are visable and no new feather have started to grow after 1-4months. She suggested switching his food to Zupreem pellets without food coloring AND scaling back on his treats as well as giving him a few more baths each week.(as you guys suggested in the other thread)If this doesn't fix it then it's off to blood testing to see what's going on. She didn't mention how long to wait and I couldn't ask many questions as I wanted to as my voice has been nearly gone for 2 days from being sick and today was the first day I could speak above a rasp whisper. Anywho...on to my ACTUAL question! lol How many treats perday or per week is a good amount? He is in love with pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. I can very rarely get him to take a few bites of vegetables as well as 1-2bites of some table food(such as yogurt,plain pasta, or whatever I'm eating from a non-teflon cooking pot) But overall he LOVES to eat his treats. HELP! On a side note Ajax behaved VERY well at the vet. He is usually very standoffish at home and in his cage(understandably) when strangers come overbBut when we got to the vet he was quiet as usual but let me pet him and give him kisses.(didn't try to bite me or beak me like he does at home when strangers are close) Likewise he was not aggressive towards the vet, he looked almost curious and relaxed.(of course he did get 2 sunflower seeds from her to coax him onto the scale) And when she had to pick him up to examine is spot he was a little mouthy but overall pretty docile. I'm thinking that if I take him out of his "home" and his area he reacts better because he's not in his protective mode(like a dog would be) When we were getting ready to leave he got to ride on my shoulder while I paid the bill and he was preening himself and my hair as he never gets to see my hair not in a ponytail lol.
  12. I was planning on taking him to the vet very soon for a general checkup anyways. Ajax will not play with toys. I have tried various toys and switching them out every few weeks and he wants nothing to do with them...probley because I am home so much to give him attention. I'm going to increase his showers to 3times per week and see if that can help. I never thought I'd have an over preening bird! argh!
  13. Ajax is my first bird. I noticed his feathers flying through the air for the past 1-3months. I happened to mention that he was molting to a bird friend and when I asked "he is molting right?" she described how his feathers should look and Ajax's didn't look like she described. SO question...is he molting or plucking? I never see him pluck and I am home quite a bit since I work from home. He will preens a lot when he's on his perch since I've been limiting his treat intake since he would gobble all his treats and then not eat his food.
  14. Below is my previous post... "My Ajax lives with me...and only me.(well and my 2 dogs and a cat) When strangers enter the house he goes quiet(which is normal) but when family comes by he will step-up but he does NOT want me kissing or petting him. He makes his "squawk" that usually means he's upset. Any fast movement by my guest and he squawks. He may let them pet his head but I can tell he's uncomfortable and not enjoying it. He seems to tolerate my niece more(maybe because she's 4 and small?) So the question is how do I socialize him with family and strangers? I don't want him to bite out of fear or be afraid. My family doesn't like birds in the first,all except for my niece! I'd really like him to be social and like "talking" to strangers...what's a good way? Should I get him to a bird "play date"? " I think my meaning was mis-undertstood. My family isn't scared of my bird, rather they just don't care for him.(not hate him, just indifferent) Although the last few times I got my mother to give him a few kisses, and Ajax obliged! I want Ajax to be comfortable and not fearful of at the very least my family. I see youtube videos of performing African greys, what did their trainers do to make them so social?Was it their natural tendacy or training?I would also like Ajax to talk when family is over. As of now he only talks around me and shuts up the minute someone walks in the door.
  15. I see African Greys perform for strangers in zoos and on youtube. WHY are those greys social and not mine? How did those people train him differently to accept and enjoy new situations and new people?
  16. My Ajax lives with me...and only me.(well and my 2 dogs and a cat) When strangers enter the house he goes quiet(which is normal) but when family comes by he will step-up but he does NOT want me kissing or petting him. He makes his "squawk" that usually means he's upset. Any fast movement by my guest and he squawks. He may let them pet his head but I can tell he's uncomfortable and not enjoying it. He seems to tolerate my niece more(maybe because she's 4 and small?) So the question is how do I socialize him with family and strangers? I don't want him to bite out of fear or be afraid. My family doesn't like birds in the first,all except for my niece! I'd really like him to be social and like "talking" to strangers...what's a good way? Should I get him to a bird "play date"?
  17. Ajax(CAG) is nearly 8months old and I'm getting impatient. He is still not talking. The only mimicking he'll do is my tone of whistle(but not the beat or song) However when I talk to him and he's interested it looks like he's "mouthing" words but making no sound. I can't whistle worth a darn so I'm seriously considering investing in recorder to play for him. Do you think a recorder will help him or will he just tune it out since it's an abstract object and not me in front of him? Ajax is also very quiet. He only chirps in the mornings when I wake up. Other than that he never screams or chirps. I discouraged this when I first got him by not opening the cage or playing with him until he stopped chirping...have I inadvertently discouraged him making any sounds like talking? I also see so many youtube videos of dancing birds/parrots...Ajax doesn't even bob his head. I even play music and dance myself to encourage him! lol Ajax gets showers weekly,sometimes up to 3 per week. I've been doing this since I got him(nearly 4months now)and I still think he hates water. He does like to be around me all the time so I bring him in the shower to watch me(creepy I know) but when it's his turn to get wet he moves away from the water. And when he IS in the water he crouches down real low and tucks his neck in....is this a sign or being happy or frustrated/upset? He does like to "drink" water off my fingers(my niece gets a kick outta that!)
  18. There was a news story maybe 4months ago on Yahoo about a african grey who flew out his owners window. He was found by strangers and the little guy knew his name and where he lived!(just the city though)They aired it on TV and his owner was found. It happened in Japan and I watched the news story but it was less impressive since I had no idea what they or the bird was saying....
  19. I heard that an owner(a Macaw owner) uses a very large Manzita branch playstand as a "cage" for their Macaw. He doesn't come off of it unless the owners take him off. He sleeps and eats there. I've been wanting to get a Macaw for awhile now. Problem is not ONLY does the bird cost $1000-1400 but then you have to buy a $400-800 cage(plus food, I have plenty of toys Ajax doesn't use.) CAN a playstand such as this be a "cage"? My CAG Ajax doesn't fly off the top of his cage(or perch) and he doesn't climb down. I am home A LOT but when I'm not home can they get into terrible trouble? Can it be safe if a bird is trained and use to it as a cage? Thoughts?
  20. My CAG is getting to be 6months now and he whistles to get attention and sometimes(to get my butt up in the morning) will make gutteral sounds that almost sounds like he's trying to talk but it's gurgled. Would it be wise to first teach him to mimic whistling? I myself can't whistle worth a damn, so will playing a tape recorder of the whistles I want him to mimic work? I talk to him constantly when he is out of the cage and when I pass his cage. He is out of his cage 70% of the day as I work from home most days. Will this constant talking to him encourage him to speak? Is it possible for an african grey to NEVER speak? I have to admit I got a grey for their intelligence and talking ability but at this point whether he talks or never talks he's still my baby
  21. I've had my CAG about 2 months now. I work from home so he constantly out of the cage around me. He loves sitting on my shoulder and will now stepup on cue. He however does NOT like being "petted" when he's on his homemade portable perch. He will not bite but simply put his beak around me and push me away. If I try to scratch his head(which he LOVES when he's on my computer desk flat footed) he will inch away. Likewise if I put my hands near him without saying "stepup" he will push me away with his beak. My camera is currently broken otherwise I'd post a video of exactly what I mean. He takes treats and steps-up just fine. What is going on? I want him to be comfortable around my hands as I've seen others craddle theirs like a baby on his back. What's a good way to start making him LIKE me touching him?
  22. I am wanting to get another bird in the next year. I'm wanting to buy a large cage and keep them in the same cage. What breeds of birds would go good with my CAG Ajax. Are smaller birds off limits?(Such as Caiques or Conures?)Likewise what about larger birds(Macaws or cockatoos?) His temperment seems rather docile and he doesn't have a problem with kids,dogs,or my cat. Any Advice? I now think birds are like potato chips...you can't have just ONE!
  23. My Ajax is now 17weeks. He has NO interest in his toys in his cage. I have various toys and have even changed them out a few times thinking maybe he just didn't like some of them. Now I work from home most days so when I am home(and not sleeping) Ajax is out of the cage on his perch or on my shoulder. Why doesn't he like toys? Someone once told me african greys either love toys or not or only like certain toys.
  24. Hello everyone! My name is Cassandra. Ajax is my new 16week old african grey. I've been doing target training with him and he steps up decent.(or when he wants to rather) He seems to lose his balance a lot and flap his wings to gain it back either when he's on a perch or my hand/arm. Is this normal? His favorite foods are dried banana chips,unsalted peanuts and animal crackers. He also loves to chew on popcicle sticks. He is outside of his cage a lot since I work from home most days. He seems to be still shy of my hand and me petting him. He will not bite but rather just scoot away from me. Will this subside as he is handled more?
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