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About prettyBird

  • Birthday 09/19/1991

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yes we are working on that at the moment . It was just mean for the first few days truthfully....
  2. Oh goodness!!! He is just more apt to step up onto a towel instead of my hand. It's also for my protection, but that being said his bites don't scare me too bad. Mainly its for his benefit. I don't know why it works, but for now it's what we do!! I hope that clarified things a bit better....
  3. It actually is Viva La Veggies by Bird Bistro.... but we will have to try Higgins as well!!! Thank you!!
  4. No no... I don't towel! I don't like it and its more scary than helpful. I just WRAP MY HAND with a towel, and he will step up.... it's a start and he isn't so scared when we do it this way. The only part of him the towel is touching his his feet.....
  5. Thank you all so much! All of your advice has helped. I just let him out of his cage and read by his cage with him on his playtop for about 2 hours. Like usual, he stepped up only my toweled hands. And this time, he went back in without flying or even a fuss! He still wont let me pet him but I really didn't try much. He will allow it to a degree through the bars of his cage. He's in my large master bath with nothing around him but walls, no cords or anything so hopefully he won't accidentally get hurt! And my husband has spent some time with him as well. He hasn't cleaned his cage or fed him, but I'll get his help today some. Again, thank you!!!
  6. Hello!! So I took the plunge and got the nine month old CAG yesterday!! He's very pretty. But I already have some issues I need help with... First is, he wants out all day. Which would be fine with me, since I'm home anyway. But the problem is, he will NOT step up. The only way I can get him to step up is by wrapping a towel around my hand. Then he does step up somewhat and then flies to the ground, then I can get him and try to put him up, which has turned out to be a hit and miss thing. Is there a better way to be doing this? Or since I just got him yesterday would bit be more appropriate to leave him in his cage for a few days? He has plenty of toys and shreddable things. Second, since I have gotten to step up onto the towel, he will NOT allow me within a few inches of him. When he first came home he let me pet him but not its a huge no-no. He is perfectly fine with my husband but seems to not tolerate me. But again, its only the second day. Should I just leave him alone?? He wont even take a treat from me anymore but will from my husband. He lashes out, but always misses me. I want this to work out but I feel like I've made him mad or something. Thank you!
  7. Oh no Greywings, we must not ever do such a thing! I found on a website(not sure I could post it) a bird mix with a ton of organic veggies with rice, couscous, wheat and barley. It's the kind that's dry and you fix it for them by boiling it. I can get it for a steal, but I want to make sure it'd be first off good for my bird and second worth it lol. :cool:
  8. Thank you vlmuke, GreyWings and Dave! The nuts are perfect idea and I will use those... and will definitely read labels:).
  9. Hello everyone. Question. When you are training your bird, say, so say a certain thing that you like, what do you use to reward them for their effort? I see alot of people use sunflower seeds. But are they really ideal when you have a ten minute session and go through 15-20 seeds? Also, do you prefer frozen over canned veggies for during winter times? Thank you!!
  10. Thanks everyone! Yes, hes still very young indeed. The lady who is giving him up seems to really want whats best from him and sounds like she really loved him. I'm not at all intimidated by what little "baggage" he might have. Especially since hes nine months! Oh the little baby! Update is; we're going to see him sometime this weekend(have to call to set in stone). I'm so excited!! And ti solves my little nagger in the back of my head whenever I see a baby from a breeder; "You know theres other unwanted bird out there...." Baby might be coming home!!!!!!
  11. Hello everyone:) I haven't posted in a long time. Just been lurking and reading:). Also, I wasn't sure of where to post this, but since it's about a baby I figured here would be fine. Mods, if you want to move it, please do . So, I've been looking into a larger bird for awhile now, and have gone back and forth on all sorts of birds. Recently I found a bird that is kinda pulling at my heartstrings. Alittle info: He(DNA'd) is a CAG with a sweet little face. The baby was born October of last year, and his owner is already looking to sell him(reg flag maybe?). She says her mother is ill and she will be moving to be with her etc. etc. to take care of her. Which I understand. The lady says he eats all his fruits and veggies well, is already talking(which is least on my list but thought I'd mention), and is even feather tether trained. I do like how she was honest and told me that when she trimmed his flight feathers he did pick his back feathers a bit but has now stopped(I like a lot of history so I know what I'm potentially getting into). One of the main reasons I am considering him is, hes not necessarily a rescue(as far as I know), but not necessarily buying a baby from a breeder either. I'm just not 100%, so.... what's your opinion? Thank you all very much prettyBird
  12. I love your Ajax, Cassandra. Just adorable!! Welcome!!!
  13. Thank you for your sympathy, Cupid. I still miss him. I agree with danmcq. Harness at all times!
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