Hello everyone:)
I haven't posted in a long time. Just been lurking and reading:). Also, I wasn't sure of where to post this, but since it's about a baby I figured here would be fine. Mods, if you want to move it, please do .
So, I've been looking into a larger bird for awhile now, and have gone back and forth on all sorts of birds. Recently I found a bird that is kinda pulling at my heartstrings.
Alittle info: He(DNA'd) is a CAG with a sweet little face. The baby was born October of last year, and his owner is already looking to sell him(reg flag maybe?). She says her mother is ill and she will be moving to be with her etc. etc. to take care of her. Which I understand. The lady says he eats all his fruits and veggies well, is already talking(which is least on my list but thought I'd mention), and is even feather tether trained. I do like how she was honest and told me that when she trimmed his flight feathers he did pick his back feathers a bit but has now stopped(I like a lot of history so I know what I'm potentially getting into).
One of the main reasons I am considering him is, hes not necessarily a rescue(as far as I know), but not necessarily buying a baby from a breeder either. I'm just not 100%, so.... what's your opinion?
Thank you all very much