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Everything posted by Irie5447

  1. $1000 for my handfed fully weaned baby boy.
  2. My baby was given a light clip by the breeder which is only the first 5 flight feathers. She said they do this for the safety of the bird at the shop but before they clip they let them fly for a bit to get some confidence. Since I have brought him home he is always chewing and fussing with the clipped feathers only. He has frayed them and chews on them all the time which could not be good. The vet I took him to stated they believe in flighted birds and also pointed out that the ends of the clipped wings sometimes bother them and they can fixate on them and it can lead to feather plucking in the future. I can't wait for them to grow in. He flew across the room the other day so I guess the light clip the breeder did was not to effective anyhow. LOL. I can't wait till he is fully flighted!
  3. Great video! That looks like a very nice store! Great idea with the remote music. My baby CAG will be exactly four months tomorrow and he says "good boy". I was shocked he spoke so young since I read that most start after a year or later.
  4. I am no expert but I recently brought my baby CAG home about three weeks ago and was exactly in your shoes. This is such an exciting, stressful, joyous time and I think most people get overwhelmed because they want every single little thing to go right and work out perfect and it just stresses people out. I think the best advice that worked for me was just be calm and try to relax. I brought my baby home and held him and talked to him for a very short time and then put him in his cage for a while. I have 3 Labrador retrievers, 2 cats and a Quaker parrot and really wanted him to be in his cage where he could feel safe and just take in the excitement of all my other animals running around and trying to sniff him and figure out what I just brought home. I sat near his cage and tried to reassure him and talk to him to get him used to my voice and let him know he is OK. After a few hours I put the dogs outside and brought him out of the cage and showed him around. Everything worked out great and he is doing awesome around everyone. He is used to all the dogs and the barking and the cats walking near his cage and has really settled in great. Everything will work out great for you and just remember to just take a deep breath when you get overwhelmed and everything will be fine. This is is time to be excited and full of joy, not stressed out. LOL
  5. I made my own cage cover. Just go to a fabric store and bought 4 yards of black flannel and sewed strong magnets every 12 inches along the top. Its works great as you just stick it to the top of the metal on their cage and go around the perimeter. I also feel it gives the birds security and protects them from drafts when they are sleeping. My birds love their covers.
  6. I just got my baby CAG last week and also wanted a bigger bird compared to a TAG. I also preferred the beautiful bright red tail and black beak. You sound like you are doing your homework and will be fine with either. I think it just comes down to personal preference and what YOU like and want!
  7. Hi, I have three Labrador Retrievers ages 2, 6, 9 years old. I also have a a Quaker parrot and will be getting a CAG in a couple weeks. I just want to say that I felt exactly the same way as you when I brought home my Quaker and was worried about the dogs. I constantly made it clear the bird was off limits and when they got near the cage or bird I would gently say no. Now they are at the point where they could care less about him and know that he is part of the family and not to be played with. Several times my bird has flown over to one of the dogs and actually land on their backs when laying down and the dogs don't care. It was the same way with my 2 cats also. Just make sure you constantly reinforce your rules and supervise all the animals together and hopefully they should all eventually get along.
  8. My name is Bill and I recently joined this great forum a few weeks ago! I have been reading many informative posts before I officially joined and would like to briefly introduce myself. I adopted my very first bird last year, who is a beautiful blue Quaker and have absolutely fell in love with him. I never would have thought how amazing it is to be a parrot owner. I have put a deposit on a baby CAG and will be bringing him home in 5 or 6 weeks. I am trying to learn everything I can about them and have learned so much here already. I have purchased several books on Greys and can not wait to bring him home! I would just like to thank everyone for such a great site and forum! Bill
  9. awesome idea! I often wondered what a good dye to use would be!
  10. Definitely a SCAM! Find a bird locally that you can meet and see in person! Be patient in finding one as it takes time and don't rush into it and make irrational decisions based on how cute pictures look. The cute pictures are used by these criminals to get you to send them money based on your emotions and people do fall for it! I also recommend you do your research and find out as much as you can about these birds before you take ownership of one. Best of luck!
  11. Awesome job! Rocky is in a great atmosphere with great folks! It sounds like you guys were destined for each other, haha. Please keep us updated on Rocky's progress and please post some pictures! Thanks for sharing such a great story.
  12. My friend tried trimming her Conures beak and hit a blood vessel and the bird bled to death! It was tragic. This is something a vet should always do! She said she trimmed that birds beak a hundred times as she owned her bird for 25 years and the one time turned out to be fatal!
  13. I use either stainless steel links with the screw like most store bought toys come with or if I want to make it tight for a perch I will use heavy duty plastic zip/ cable ties and cut the chain a tad short and tighten cable ties until tight on each end.
  14. Hi everyone. I wanted to post this cause my bird loves them so much. All it is is yellow plastic chain you can buy by the foot at home Depot/ Lowes. I have it in all my birds cages and playstands and they love it! You can cut it to any length and string it anyway you like. I strand some from one end to the other in the cage as a perch and then hang 2 or three different lengths from the toy hook on their playstands and they absolutely love them! They are so cheap and easy and birds love them.
  15. I am also waiting to bring my new CAG home! He wont be fully weaned till mid September but I am counting down the days, but it sure seems like an eternity!
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