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About Samy

  • Birthday 07/29/1979

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  1. Things here have been busy. Got all the Christmas shopping done and Ziggy and Koko will both be getting some interesting things. I have found that Ziggy likes the stockings, she has a game of flying off Daddy and trying to dislodge the stockings and then once they are on the floor trying to tear them up. It is pretty funny but gets annoying after the hundredth time of putting it all back up. She also finds it to her amusement to "help" with wrapping presents. While the kids are in school I have covertly been pulling out a few presents and wrapping them. She hops around the table nipping at me and telling me to go away while trying to tear up the paper. She has managed so far to "open" 3 presents and I am now forced to make her be in the cage while I wrap. She yells and screams at me until I take a scrap piece and ball it up and give it to her. Is that safe for her? I see where people give paper to their bird but I never really tried too much of it. Koko is not interested in toys so much but I noticed he loves the chains I bought him before so he will have new chains and a one of those birdie huts and Zig is getting a play gym for her cage it was actually kind of cool there is a store out here where they guy is making them and it hooks to the cage so it won't tip over mostly it's made out of wood but there are toys all over and climbing things and covers one whole wall. Hoping she will like it. Well got to run will catch up soon. Happy Holidays all.
  2. So I know it's been a super long time but things here have been crazy. As of Oct.1 I am no longer with the military:( so had to take on a regular job which meant crazy hours (especially with holidays coming) and less home time for less money. I am still catering (which I moonlighted with while I was in but shhh don't tell) but with the poor economy those jobs have been fewer and far between. Ziggy has been happy that I have been gone more (Of course she is cause that means 1 on 1 time with daddy without the pesky mommy trying to make nice with me) Koko on the other hand makes plenty of noise to mark his displeasure with me for the time away. We bought harness kits for both birds and Ziggy fights like a tiger getting it on but once it is she is fine and even will let me pet her while it's on her but let her off and it's game on ( game being bite mommy as hard and as often as possible whenever she is near) I try very hard to be the nice guy in those situations and steer clear while still being in sight and talking to her. Koko on the other hand bites the living you know what at the harness and gets very upset and pants till I worry about his health with it on. I don't know for sure what to do about that. I went out and got a hard wood playstand for them and they seem to like it although Ziggy is still getting used to it. Koko took right to it and loves having somewhere else to play but once he is done playing will fly to my shoulder and want to just chill with me. Both birds are finally able to fly again the feathers have finally come in enough so when they stretch their wings there is no more dive bombing into the floor. My little garden has finally yielded some quality foods and they both enjoy the fresher then supermarket produce. We did move Ziggy's cage away from the window as it is getting colder and she seems to enjoy the alcove better then she was by the window. She still gets plenty of light and is still able to interact with everyone. She has become more vocal since the move too so I assume ( we all know what that does) she prefers being there. She has also taken to throwing her bowls around, she has managed to figure out how to remove them from the holders in her cage which is pretty impressive since I still can't figure out how she is doing it. Her favorite time is at night which of course wakes most of the house with the banging. Needless to say my kids are not too fond of Ziggy's new toy. I have been switching toys and finding new things to exchange in her cage she seems to really enjoy that but still loves to play with the bowls at night. Would it really hurt to take the bowls out at night and put them back in the morning? I don't like leaving the bowls out but really the house needs sleep too. My oldest has decided that Ziggy should be an artist. While my daughter was painting Ziggy left the playstand and was flying towards her cage and "dropped a bomb" right over her canvas (we have yet to cage potty train this girl as she is very opposed to actually doing it in the cage) my daughter found it so amusing she kept on painting around the spot and now it is in our shed freshly varnished and drying out so that both the stain and the paint do not degrade. My daughter had a "brainfart" as I call it and tried to get Ziggy to help her draw all that was accomplished was Ziggy ruining about 50 bucks worth of fairly expensive colored pencils, and of course nipping and biting my daughter a few times while she tried to get them back. Ziggy's latest is that she barks like a dog, she will whistle which drives our dogs running to the door and then she "woof woofs" at them and laughs. It is pretty funny. All in all things have been as they always are here (hectic) and the "ark" continues to keep me busy. I will try and update sooner then I have been lately.
  3. Samy

    Ziggy Update

    I totally understand the idea of having to re-home due to bad things happening. Those circumstances are heart breaking and emotionally scarring for everyone involved. People who HAVE to re-home for these circumstances are at the very least going to try to ensure that it's the right home for their grey, not trade the bird out like it's no more then something to own.
  4. Samy

    Ziggy Update

    :mad: I have been shopping around on different websites looking for inexpensive bird stands and enclosures for outside. I saw on one today a person (very loose word for this thing) trying to trade their grey for another type of large bird.:mad: I have been bitten, hissed at, clawed and in general just abused by Ziggy but to even consider trading her for another bird just burns my butt. If you can't handle the bird find a decent home don't just trade it to someone else for a different one these are living creatures they have needs and feelings that may not always be the same as ours but they still have them. For all the abuse and bleeding bites I have received I wake up each morning telling her good morning and I crave petting her beak. She has become part of my family no different to me then my kids are, how can anyone do this? My husband left today for his weekend trip and I have gone over to the cage often since he left so she doesn't feel alone, even opened the cage door and talked to her and pet her beak until she bit me. She has been sighing and whining for him and I feel terrible for her. I gave her a new toy hoping she will be distracted just a bit and once the kids go to bed I may attempt to let her out and play if it isn't too late. I'm sorry to vent but it just makes me so angry that people can just barter their animals for something else.
  5. Samy

    Ziggy Update

    Yes Ziggy and Koko both are re-homes. Zig is 11 or 12 we are guessing she is full grown for sure and Koko is around 15. This little blog is where I go to blow off steam and laugh at the fact that I have the ark in my house. I also keep my sense of humor and new ideas to try from all the great people here. Ziggy is a one person kind of bird and that one person is my husband, Koko is more sociable. This things runs as a diary and also a helping tool to get things into perspective when I think I am going to never get this right.
  6. Samy

    Ziggy Update

    All is clear here. The storm missed us. Zig made a stand this weekend. I was a little under-intuitive (yes I know the word is unusable to other then me lol) and was switching out the food in her cage. Been doing it all week without issue and of course she realized I was getting too relaxed. She bit me, yep I know I ask for it by going back time and time again, and left me with a nasty gash on the back of my hand. She is just not liking anything when my husband is home. Now on to the development of the positive if hubby is not home she will at the very least step up after pulling an escape routine from her cage and flying around a bit. Koko has been getting increasingly agitated with all the extra cage time during my busier part of the year for work. He is nipping more often then is usual for him and he is making quite the racket trying to get someone to let him out of his cage when someone is home. Hoping he will be happier once the busy time is done around November. Everything else here is good, hubby goes on his first weekend out next weekend so the moment of truth with Zig shall be seen next weekend. :cool: Wish me luck
  7. Samy

    Ziggy Update

    Not too much to report today. We are preparing for nasty weather and getting everything just in case Irene has a direction change. Things otherwise are pretty normal, Zig sits with my husband and still nips at everyone she does let me pet her beak first thing in the morning when I feed her. Koko has been antsy trying to get more attention lately I think the busyness of everyone has him feeling high strung. At his age I worry about getting him to excited. Things are pretty much into a routine I try to go out of the house for an hour or two a couple times a day leaving the tv or radio on for them and keeping them near enough to talk to each other as my busy season is coming. The kids are going back to school now so I leave the cages opened separately as Zig is still not fond of Koko and he seems to really enjoy annoying her. He will try and climb her cage when she's in it and she attacks the bars every time trying to get him and he will laugh at her and stand on top looking down in on her. So I now take him all over the house with me and then when I work in the kitchen or livingroom I put him away and open hers. Getting her back in the cage is difficult but we are working on it. Sometimes I can put a bowl of fruit and nuts in when I want her to go back in and she gets in without issue other times I have to wait for hubby to get home to put her back and on a rare few occasions she will let me put her back. Otherwise everyone on the east coast be prepared and I hope all do well through this weather.
  8. Samy

    Ziggy Update

    Our days have been pretty uneventful, we talk and do housework. The kids will be going back to school soon so hoping that I can let them out even more once they go to school. I need to find some perches or stands to either make or buy that the birds can use throughout the house. Want to find ones with things for the birds to do so they won't get too bored and antagonize the other animals. Ziggy has decided she is now bigger then our husky. She whistles for the dogs and when one gets close she nips and laughs at them as they run away.Koko has become very comfortable in the house although he has gotten quite spoiled. He makes quite a bit of noise of you walk by his cage and not let him out to go with you. I have been told that is normal for Hahn's macaws to behave that way. Zig is fully flighted but Koko is not and from the way things are going it looks like we are going to have to keep it that way. Koko spends so much time going around here and there that I worry he would get out with the kids coming and going like kids are known to do. I hate the idea of eventually having to get him clipped when his feathers grow back in, I fully believe to leave them the way they were created and let them live as they were designed to. I'm hoping to find things for the dining room so they don't have to have their cages moved every night. Also for the shower as I have heard there is something for them to use in there if not I am sure I can design something. I also want to get harness's for them so they don't have to go outside in just cages would be nice to let them stretch their wings so to speak without bars. Otherwise not too much else figure I am in for a good biting soon so everyone will get a chuckle soon enough. Have a good day all. Enclosing a picture of Koko in our flock album
  9. Samy

    Ziggy Update

    I will try a different set up for you to see it.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTRB3ZZ3UmY
  10. Samy

    Ziggy Update

    I guess we are back to status quot. I went to clean the cages out this morning thinking that they would enjoy things back to normal in fresh cages. I gave everyone breakfast and Zig wanted out I figured why not she spent all that extra time in her cage last week she deserves to spread her wings a bit more then normal so I gave her her breakfast on our side table next to her playcage instead of in her playcage. Changing things up was my first no-no, she got out and started throwing food everywhere. I figured she was letting go some frustration and talked to her asking her not to throw everything everywhere but not really trying to stop her. I went over to clean out the playcage first, second mistake. She was not happy with me in her domain at all she climbed the side and looked at me making some sounds and saying hello but not her normal clicks of warning so I stupidly kept cleaning and talking to her singing along to the music I was playing. I don't know how she did it but she managed to open the food door and climbed in through there and stalked over to me and bit me on my ear right at the top, got me good too I needed a good long while to stop the bleeding. I am now joking with my hubby that I have an extra piercing (which is actually more of a tear) on the top of my ear. Probably should have a stitch or two but I steri-stripped it and it will leave a character mark for stories in the future. I am going to have another cup of coffee, make lunch and start working on the computer room cage and Koko's cage, hubby has already finished cleaning up the playcage. Figured it wouldn't be back to normal without having things truly back to the way they were so now we can get back to working on her tolerating me again. I am including a video of batbird in her playcage just for everyones giggles this pretty morning. (it's a little long but she is just too cute) http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1889363639569
  11. Samy

    Ziggy Update

    SO I know I haven't been around, literal mad house here. Koko did well, not liking one individual but loving everyone else. Ziggy did well but was not happy with the extra cage time. She pulled an escape artist act one day while I was trying to feed her and flew around the house getting everyones attention, but on a plus note she did step up on me to go back in her cage when she was done with her flight. I think it was because hubby was not home and I was the only familiar one there as she won't do it now that no one else is here but it was a nice day for me, I don't feel she hates me quite as much as before. They both are eating better then when they first got here, they even have their own plates for meals and bowls for breakfast. Ziggy no longer attacks me on a regular basis when I put her plate in her area but I have to have kind of a diversion to get the empty plate or bowl away from her because she will still nip at me when I try. Usually we use an almond or a toy. Now that things are getting back to normal they have spent all morning snuggling and playing with us Koko is even sitting with me now all cuddled up on my shoulder in his normal "nesting" spot making "kisses" noises in my ear and mumbling Koko and come here which is what he does as he falls asleep. Got some video of the "play cage" for Zig in the livingroom being a "bat bird" and playing with her "binky" and got some of Koko talking to me not near as much of his vocabulary but what kid ever does what a parront wants them to when they want them to do it. I am still utterly insane and the ARK was even larger then normal last week but it is nice to be back to just covering for double everything then triple everything.
  12. Samy

    Ziggy Update

    The "pedi" perches are in front of the food and water Zig is creative she will climb over them by the bars and stand on her dishes to drink or eat. Koko climbs them but hops off into his bowls as well pretty quickly. I am thinking of taking out the other perches and only put them back at night when they are ready for bed. I also created a stair type creation of "pedi" perches for Zig to play on it goes here and there around her whole cage something for her to play on all different lengths, I had hoped she would think it a game and play. I have even set almonds to the end of it to see if I could entice her to climb out but it didn't go so well the little sneak would shake the bars supporting the perch and shake it down lol.
  13. Samy

    Ziggy Update

    We have the perches designed for filing the nails for both birds and neither one of them seem to like them they both stay to the natural wood and dowel rod perches in the cages. We thought about taking the wood ones out and only leaving the filing ones but I worry they would irritate their feet with it being the only perches they have. They both only get their nails trimmed when it gets unbearable to have them on us (when every time they are there it draws blood and scratches more then just the little prick marks). I wish I could find another way but everything we have tried so far is a no-go. I did find a birdie beak filing toy that as they chew on it they are naturally filing down their beaks but I haven't found something for their toe nails that they will use consistently. I think it has a lot to do with the fact they had nothing like these in their cages before and they are both older birds.
  14. Samy

    Ziggy Update

    I just reread my earlier post if it sounded harsh I appologise I am a little stressed and more then a little tired getting everything ready as everyone will be here tomorrow. I didn't exactly sneak up on her as it would seem I feed her every morning the same way, I open the door, sit next to the open door waiting for her to come to me and feed her breakfast when she is ready. Then I usually talk to her and slowly attempt to pet her beak as it is usually the only spot she lets me pet, if she backs away or drops her food to nip I don't press the issue with her I just feed her and clean up after we are done. I do the same with treats as I am trying in vain to see if she will get used to seeing me enough she won't continually use me as a chew toy whenever I am near. I have been bitten many times for no other reason then I am to close to where she is. My husband is planning an extended trip soon and will be gone for entire weekends 2 or 3 times a month and she can't go with him and I feel terrible that she will have to stay in the cage the entire time he is gone if we have some peaceful way in which to cohabitate with each other I can let her out to stretch while he is gone. I would never towel her just to try and get her used to me the only time a towel is used is after her shower so I can get her from the bathroom to her cage without being seriously injured or for her nail trimming at the vets. I am not trying to rush so much as to have even ground with her so she is not a prisoner during the weekends. I hope all this makes better sense. We had a long day and all the other details for our company have been finished I think so I am totally beat and headed to bed Good-night all.
  15. Samy

    Ziggy Update

    The "sneak attack" came after a month of feeding her and being allowed to sometimes pet her beak, also trying to get her used to me as more then just a chew toy as I have been bitten quite a few times by her and most times when I haven't even been around her or trying to instigate a petting or anything. Usually just cleaning out her cage or being in the same room when she is out. It would not have been the first time she dropped her food to bite me she has done it quite often before. It says a lot she would have rather held the almond then bite me as it is usually the other way around. Koko will be allowed out and about with serious supervision and usually only on my shoulder while people are in the community rooms but Zig will have to wait until first thing in the morning and later in the afternoons as there will be an infant here and we don't want to risk the bite nor stress her out. My husband plans to take her back to the big cage in the computer room and make it off limits to the visitors so she doesn't get too stressed with so many new people here.
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