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About AGPT

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Wow thak you guys. Thank you Talon , cupid , luvparrots and dave. Again i really appreciate your help and advise. Thank you all. I am totally against clipping and i try not to do it. also it seems that he is learning the meaning of the word "No" . I have to buy him a stand so i can potty train him . I also i have learnt him the " Re call" although it depends on his mood.
  2. Hi every time i bring my parrot out of the cage and make him to step up on my hand, and when i sit down, he keeps flying on my Chandelier or he flsy to the kitchen walls , also if doors open he can fly away. I was told by many people that i should clip his wings so he can't fly any more. But i am aware that if i clip his wings he will be more likely to hurt him self by jumping down from his cage and breaking his tail wings, also he will be hurt mentally and physically. I know that i can teach him the word "No" or "Stop It" , to stop him doing that. I just wanted to know how many of you guys ( have/not have) clipped your parrots wings and what kind of experiences did you have. Can you please suggest me a way to over come this problem. He is about 13 weeks old, Thanx
  3. Middle eastern rice is boiled first and then is cooked untill it really soft. I was wondering that if i could feed my parrot that kind of rice? Does any one know if its okay to feed him that? Not the yellow ones , only white ones.
  4. wow nice video i really loved it. What bath spray do you use for your parrot.
  5. thank you for your answer , i really appreciate it. this morning i gave him like half spoon Fully Boiled Well coocked egg and he seems to like it. I also gave him some (like 2 - 3 Pallets and 1 - 2 seeds.), he does not like to drink from the water cup so i had to use the water bottle . How much food should he eat each day. He also doesn't like to go in his cage, everytime i bring him out he doesn't want to go back in his cage. again thank you very much for your help.
  6. Hi guys i just bought an baby african grey baby about 12 weeks 13 weeks old. At first he was biting my finger when i tryed to give him a nice scratch but then he got used to it and stopped biting. The thing that has got me really worried is that i've seen him cleaning or plucking (not sure) his feathers with his beak. How can i tell the difference between plucking feathers or cleaning feathers. Also its really hard for me to learn him stepping up on hand. also i had a question about his wating . how much should he eat in 1 day , do i still need to feed him baby food. Thank you guys for your help. Just to sum it up: 1.)Is my parrot pluck his feathers or just preening it. 2.)How to train him step up on hand 3.) How much should he eat in 1 day. 4.) Our house is pretty warm , i was also wonderig about the room temperature for parrots. By the way sorry if my questions sound stupid , im a newbie;):cool:
  7. than you for your info. I had a question about their breeding. At what age do they start to breed .
  8. hi thanx for your info , i really appreciate it. Is there a way to find out if a bird is clever enough to talk e.g. in their DNA test? The main reason im getting a African grey parrot is becuase of their ability to learn. A parrot being able to learn how to talk is very important to me. is there a way to find out?
  9. Hi i wanted to buy a baby african grey parrot to train and teach him how to talk. I'm not sure whether to buy a Congo or Timneh. Is congo better at talking or timneh. i've also heard that male parrots learn how to talk faster than female parrots. is that true. Can you please help me out on this one thanx.
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