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About Doug

  • Birthday 05/16/1965


  • Biography
    I was born in Pennsylvania a long time ago, see, and now I'm lucky enough to be here with you.


  • Location
    Troutville, VA, USA


  • Interests
    Brewing beer, Photographing this and that, Napping


  • Occupation
    International man of intrigue!

Doug's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. haeak

    please accept my friend request

  2. ??? Have I even once advocated using balsamic vinegar with the greys? I was questioning your statement. Which was incorrect. (I know that no-one is allowed to question the all-knowing moderators, but never-the-less.) It doesn't make any difference, though, whether I am correct. It is immaterial. The original topic of this thread was long gone so I didn't think there was any harm in discussing this. I'll shut up. Matter of fact, I'm out of this forum for a while. It is too exhausting...
  3. Doug

    beans ... ?

    You have to PAY for an emoticon? I guess I'll just go about letting people assume that I am serious. Because I'm serious so often...
  4. Doug

    beans ... ?

    What is the emoticon for sarcasm?
  5. Doug

    seed catcher

    Too bad. I'm not sure I understand the parts you have but I might be able to answer one question... Usually square holes are used as an anti-rotation feature for a carriage bolt. This would call for a something like this (note the underside of the head): Does the seed catcher have the square holes or is it on part of the cage? (From where did you purchase the seed catcher?)
  6. I love to see parrots hanging from their feet - it really strikes my funny bone for some reason. And, to answer your question, no. They molt symmetrically. This allows them to maintain the ability to fly while replacing their feathers. If Hannah is losing flight feathers from just one side, you may have a problem with plucking or some other issue that will require attention. If so, you might want to post something in the Health Room where some of the more serious forum members are serious...
  7. Please forgive me, but I don't understand what you're trying to tell me. Most regular (off-the-shelf) balsamic vinegar is TRUE vinegar - it is just white vinegar with additives. Even most the so-called balsamic vinegar of Modena contains a lot of white vinegar. Read the labels...
  8. Doug

    seed catcher

    Did you say, in another thread, what brand/model of cage you have?
  9. Same with Ellie - all of her food goes to the bottom of the cage. Of course, if even a fraction of a pellet made it to the floor, it would be consumed by one of the dogs before it had a chance to bounce...
  10. Doug

    beans ... ?

    Luckily no-one in this household does anything like that, so Ellie won't have a chance to pick it up...
  11. Even more off topic - if you are not easily offended, check out http://damnyouautocorrect.com ...
  12. I don't need any help - my issue was last fall. "Monax" might need advice with giving the antibiotic to Toby. (I was only trying to provide some sympathetic support for what Monex will have to go through - since it was scary for me...)
  13. Most "commercial grade" balsamic vinegar is actually made from white vinegar with sugar, color and thickener. The "fancier" stuff is typically cooked grape skins with white vinegar added (plus color and sugar). True balsamic isn't always easy to find in the US...
  14. It makes it awfully hard to tell whether they are actually eating any of it or just tearing it up and throwing it down...
  15. Ellie wanted to chew on the plastic syringe rather than take the antibiotic. As alarming as it was for me (I was so nervous about hurting the 4 month old, 10 ounce baby...), I had to hold her head still to get her to open up and take the syringe. It seems so hard to be gentle enough given our disparity in size! Once she opened up and I gave her the dose, she would often bite down on the tip of the syringe, which made recovering it a challenge... Toby is young enough that he should be (reasonably) cooperative so you can just use the syringe instead of trickery and deception...
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