wow - I just have to reply to this thread - .... so so important that you are ready for this. Think of it as owning a 2 year old child for the rest of your life (or close to it.) - they need time out of the cage - EVERY day,... if you plan on having a family, you will be bringing your prior *baby* with you - and it is a huge commitment already. These birds are highly intelligent - Think of putting a 2 year old in a cage for 8 hours while you are at work, five days a week. That is what you are doing to a grey. Perhaps you might consider getting a different type of pet for now. I agonized for over a year before deciding to go ahead and get Zen. I am older, and my husband is semi-retired. Zen will most likely outlive both of us. And I only work 4 days a week myself. Zen is only left in his cage two days of the week for 6 hours. - The rest of the time he is out (or asleep)! - Do you have a room you can pretty much totally change into a Bird room? Stands, climbing ladders, things that hang from the ceiling for him to forage and play with? Do you have time to thoroughly wash and cut vegetables and fruit every day, prepare soak and cook, freeze packages of pre-made food, make TONS of toys, and every morning spend at least 30 minutes hiding fun things and food in their cage before you go to work so they have stuff to do? - I don't think I am exagerating in my care of my Grey. In fact I feel guilty I don't do more. I would suggest reading Alex and I by Irene Pepperberg just to get an idea of how smart Greys have the potential of being. Also read The African Grey Parrot handbook, and anything else you can get your hands on - also learn first aid for birds. This is only the beginning. I'm not trying to stop you from getting a Grey - they are a magical experience that will change your life. I just want to warn you of the huge commitment this is. - Good luck! And God Bless ... Zen's Mom.