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Zen's Mom

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About Zen's Mom

  • Birthday 05/14/1964


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  • Interests
    Parrots, writing, reading, parrots, parrots - did I mention parrots?


  • Occupation
    Graphic Designer for a school that breeds, raises and trains guide dogs for the blind.

Zen's Mom's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Zen is 4 months old and he has said apple several times (that was my sun conure's first word and she says it a lot when he is in the room so I think it was easy for him to pick up) - otherwise he does a lot of vocalization *baby talk* -
  2. whooo grats! I wish I had baby pictures of Zen! - so sweet!!
  3. Just to clarify - while I am fascinated with Irene Pepperberg's work, I am also not 100% sure she treated Alex with as much possible love and attention that he should have had. And poor Alex. Because of how our scientific community insists that we produce accurate data, she had to ask Alex to repeat lessons over and over and over again to gain enough statistics to prove her results. There was more than one occasion where she has stated herself that Alex would respond in a sarcastic way that made it obvious that he totally understood the task, had mastered it and was really annoyed that she kept asking him to do it again. That can't have been fun. - Fortunately I can use Irene's techniques to teach Zen as much as he is willing to learn, without taking the FUN out of it - because I have nothing to prove, nor do I need to in order to get a grant from the university to pay my bills. Talk about pressure!
  4. The one mentioned about - The African Grey Parrot handbook by Mattie Sue - it was awesome - and I've read a lot of books. I have books by Barbara as well - also I bought her training CD's - was really disappointed with the CD's - they were very short for costing over $20 each, and didn't seemed to be packed with a lot of info. Could be I have read so much that I knew the info in them already - but don't think so. Anyway - the AFGP handbook was REALLY full of good info. Covers huge amounts of training issues, behavior... health - In fact - I'm going to read it again now that we have brought Zen home! -
  5. I have a lot of rose bushes and give both my sun conure and Cag rose hips right off the bush - they love chewing through them and eating out the kernals. I thought I did read somewhere that parsley is not good for them - but not sure. They also get a sprinkle of flax seed in their soak and cook. CJ eats it but I've yet to see Zen tackle such a tiny seed.
  6. ahh - my computer scrolled and I missed your other post - I think at this stage in your life you are making a good choice! Something you can look forward to without a doubt. You could even donate time to a bird shelter and get experience and time being with different types of parrots.
  7. wow - I just have to reply to this thread - .... so so important that you are ready for this. Think of it as owning a 2 year old child for the rest of your life (or close to it.) - they need time out of the cage - EVERY day,... if you plan on having a family, you will be bringing your prior *baby* with you - and it is a huge commitment already. These birds are highly intelligent - Think of putting a 2 year old in a cage for 8 hours while you are at work, five days a week. That is what you are doing to a grey. Perhaps you might consider getting a different type of pet for now. I agonized for over a year before deciding to go ahead and get Zen. I am older, and my husband is semi-retired. Zen will most likely outlive both of us. And I only work 4 days a week myself. Zen is only left in his cage two days of the week for 6 hours. - The rest of the time he is out (or asleep)! - Do you have a room you can pretty much totally change into a Bird room? Stands, climbing ladders, things that hang from the ceiling for him to forage and play with? Do you have time to thoroughly wash and cut vegetables and fruit every day, prepare soak and cook, freeze packages of pre-made food, make TONS of toys, and every morning spend at least 30 minutes hiding fun things and food in their cage before you go to work so they have stuff to do? - I don't think I am exagerating in my care of my Grey. In fact I feel guilty I don't do more. I would suggest reading Alex and I by Irene Pepperberg just to get an idea of how smart Greys have the potential of being. Also read The African Grey Parrot handbook, and anything else you can get your hands on - also learn first aid for birds. This is only the beginning. I'm not trying to stop you from getting a Grey - they are a magical experience that will change your life. I just want to warn you of the huge commitment this is. - Good luck! And God Bless ... Zen's Mom.
  8. Hi Zekes Mom,


    I'm new to the forum and not sure this is where I post a reply - so here goes. I'm up in Palm Springs, and I highly recommend the person I got my Grey from. He socializes the birds while they are being weaned. Zen has been home only 3 weeks and he is 4 months old, but he is SOOO sweet and calm and lets me rub all over his head and neck - sits on my shoulder and falls asleep and knows step up very well.. he seems to have adapted incredibly! I also have a little Sun Conure from the same seller - and she is a DOLL. - Anyway - SO-CAL is big... so not sure if this is close to you - but his name is Jeff and he owns Exotic Birds in Palm Desert.

  9. I have read a LOT of books on african greys (I especially recommend Alex and Me to ANYONE with a Grey) - and I am currently in the middle of The Alex Studies. Another great read if you don't mind skimming clinical data. But nothing surpases actual experience and hearing from all of you. Thanks for your feedback! I am encoraged to start Zen's training ealier than I was going to.
  10. Hi everyone - I have a question. We have a 4 month old Cag. He's been with us going on 2 weeks now and is Precious! So I have a question. he's doing his human baby-talk... so often says things that sound like talking only of course don't make any sense. Like he said toy last week, but I'm sure it was just a noise that must have sounded like toy. But today my husband and I were sitting with him and saying I love back and forth and Zen suddenly looks up, stares at my husband and pipes up with the *sounding of * I love you - more like the tonal sounds rather than actual words, but the copying of our 3 sylables was unmistakable. THEN!.. late afternoon my little Sun conure and I were talking back and forth saying "apple apple"... to each other and Zen SAID Apple! I heard it distinctly! -Was it just luck? Happenstance? I was just wondering how old they are before they actually start to verbalize real words. I heard 9 months so I am wondering if I read correctly or if I have a magic bird or something! LOL
  11. Hi everyone - I have a question. We have a 4 month old Cag. He's been with us going on 2 weeks now and is Precious! So I have a question. he's doing his human baby-talk... so often says things that sound like talking only of course don't make any sense. Like he said toy last week, but I'm sure it was just a noise that must have sounded like toy. But today my husband and I were sitting with him and saying I love back and forth and Zen suddenly looks up, stares at my husband and pipes up with the *sounding of * I love you - more like the tonal sounds rather than actual words, but the copying of our 3 sylables was unmistakable. THEN!.. late afternoon my little Sun conure and I were talking back and forth saying "apple apple"... to each other and Zen SAID Apple! I heard it distinctly! -Was it just luck? Happenstance? I was just wondering how old they are before they actually start to verbalize real words. I heard 9 months so I am wondering if I read correctly or if I have a magic bird or something! LOL
  12. Hi veryone - I'm new here - but I have done a LOT of reading on African Grey's before I brought home Zen a week ago. If any of you are interested, get Alex and Me - by Irene Pepperberg, if you truly want to know just how amazing their capabilities are. If a bird can ask you questions, for example... ask what color it is (Alex asked "what color?" when he saw himself in a mirror) - and understand the concept of zero, add and even begin to understand phonics (she was teaching him this when he died) - then I think you will find this as fascinating as I have. I am now reading The Alex Studies - it is her psychological papers she published on her studies with Alex. It's pretty dry - with a lot of data and references... but if you can skim, then you will find inbetween the data some very wonderful material, both cognitive, and neurological on our wonderful and very SMART companions.
  13. thanks everyone - I think Zen is adorable as well... but heck... don't ALL the grey's pretty much look the same? I really can't tell the difference between everyone's pictures except for eyes and very subtle markings! LOL.
  14. Hi Steve n Misty - Irene Pepperberg wrote papers on teaching phonics to African Greys. (sp) - She was teaching (I believe it was Alex, might have been one of the others) to understand the sounds of letters. By teaching him the sounds of sssshhh.. bbb,, chaa... etc via colored letters . Well Alex was saying them correctly and would ask in-between ("want a nut") - Irene kept putting him off, asking him to continue sounding out the words. This went on while Alex grew more frustrated asking for a nut. Finally he said: "Want A Nuu--uhh--tt". Now tell me that bird was not smart. If you truly want to read some fascinating information of what they are capable of, read "Alex and Me" - or look up Irene Pepperberg's published writings. (the book is awesome - though I will warn you in advance that Alex died at 30) - Her published works are very dry, as they are for the psychology venue.. but still fascinating.
  15. Here is a picture of Baby Zen - Hatched March 10th. Now 14 weeks old and fully weaned.
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