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About kingsnake

  • Birthday 12/23/1972


  • Biography
    265G SW Reef Aquarium, 150 SW Fish Only, 3 year old Rottie, 25 Venomous snakes and a CAG on the way.


  • Location
    Jacksonville, Fl


  • Interests
    Venomous snake collector


  • Occupation
    Father of 3 boys!

kingsnake's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. So far, no serious bite. Even the kids, who try to pet Bravo, it's firm but not bad enough to where my 14 year old doesn't keep trying.
  2. Besides the poop on my shirt, I have no issues with Bravo. I can deal witht he poop, just don't let him sit on my shoulder very long :-)
  3. I've kind of stayed away from posting because I've never owned a bird before and didn't want to put my foot in my mouth one day by stating something I do and later changing my mind. (Giving wrong advice/ideas so to speak. The past 8 months, wow! What a trip it has been. There has been 2 months or so that I have had to move Bravo into the sunroom and left him alone. (I didn't give up on him) My issue was, he picked up the horriable garage door sound opening/closing! OMG!!!! He did it 10X worse! Ok, maybe if it was 2 or 3 times a day like the real garage door I could have lived with it but that just wasn't the case lol! After bringing him in on good behavior, sending him back to the sunroom when he made that sound he has pretty much stopped! THANK GOD! He loves to be around the family and he finally learned what noise sends him to his own room! He talks, basic stuff, whistles, picked up some bird chirps from being in the sunroom, and is doing great. I take him outside to sit with me for morning coffee but with summer almost here, not sure how long that will last. He is in need of new toys and all. I realized I need a presure washer for his cage, I'm to lazy to just scrub, want it down fast and easy. He loves seeds and it took time to eat those colored Veggie things. Not sure what they are as the petstore I get them from just poors them in a bag. (I call them fruity pebbles) He doesn't like the green ones even though I'm told they all taste the same. It took some time for him to even start eating them but I slowed down feeding him seeds for a while and he got hungry enough to try them I guess. (He wasn't starving, he had food lol) I will post pics soon. I'm thinking of getting another bird 6 months or less. It may be longer but I'll see how things go. Point is I love my Bravo enough to get another!
  4. And that reason came. I moved Bravo to the living room/foyer area. Keeping him in a small room, not around other people besides me just wasn't what Bravo wanted or needed. He is much happier being right next to the action. Everyone walks in, he sees them, he is not bored, and overall he seems much happier. However, being next to the front door, fans above and a few other things the wings had to be clipped. Mistakes happen like kids not turning off fans or closing the doors all the way etc... I think it was best. I never thought I would do it but I feel much better.
  5. Some good advice and caution. Thank you everyone! I'm going to skip suction cups and move towards something else... I'll see what works for me with the above advice given!
  6. Trying to say Hello this morning...
  7. I can build one out of PVC however I'm not sure how to suction cup it to the shower wall. ANy ideas or where I can buy one if I can't figure it out?
  8. Yes, my G key is messed up. It now sticks up and I have to firmly press the key down to get the G to work! I'll be without a laptop for a few weeks till it gets fixed..
  9. So Bravo flew over to me and took a big dump on me. I put him in his cage while I changed shirts. I came back and sat on the couch. I heard him say or make the sound like, Uh oh. Shocked, I started wondering if I was just hearing things from him moving around in the cage. I continued working on my lap top. A few minutes later I heard Bravo, not really talking but more like mumble something. It was recognizable as poor human speech, like trying to talk for the first time and the sound of words had me turn my head real quick to try and understand what was being said. Both times left me happy, shocked and wanting more from Bravo! Now to the pooping issue. Lately, Bravo will fly over, sit on m or the top of my laptop and take a crap! I swear Bravo will push out any thing juicy just to do it on me or my laptop! So far the poop has hit the screen and has been easy to clean up. I no longer let him sit on the laptop and that's why I have had more juicy poop land on me. WTH?
  10. Awesome, been thinking of getting one...
  11. It's been just about 2 weeks now. It wasn't easy, the whole family couldn't agree on a name lol. We went with BRAVO. Yes, the Military phonetic alphabet but also as a cheer, "well done!"
  12. I'm sorry... IMO I would wait until you and your wife have let some time pass. At this point it wouldn't be good for the bird or the family as it appears the buy would just be a try to have Murphy again? Let some time go by, miss Murphy like you should and in 5 months sit down with your wife and see if it is time. If it is not, wait another 5 months or until one day you both look at each other and say, I'm ready to bring home another family member. Again, sorry for your lose and I'm just trying to help.
  13. I understand the "fear" that a bird could fly away but those concerns fall on the owner and shouldn't be taken out on the bird. Making sure doors are shut, installing screen doors and using a harness to name a few precautions. It's sort of like making sure you turn of the ceiling fans etc before letting the bird out of the cage. IMO, if a bird escapes there is something the human could have done that could of prevented it (For the most part, here are some exceptions) Now if I had a 3 year old child who opened doors and turned on ceiling fans when I wasn't looking or other things that I couldn't have 100% control over then yes, I would clip the birds wings UNTIL it was safe to let the bird fly again. There are some reasons IMO to clip and I understand but when those reasons grow up (like my 9 year old son who understands) then I would let the wings grow out.
  14. Nice, my baby is learning to fly! Instead of flying around in a crazy circle around the room she can pretty much hoover and turn and go where she wants without being clumsy. Each day she gets better and better.
  15. Getting an understanding of my bird. I've only had her a week today and she will fly to me and land either on my head or if I hold out my hand she will land on it as well. Today, for the first time I guess she had enough of me and flew back to her cage. Looking past most of this... It was nice to have her leave when she wanted and saved me the effort of getting up and putting her back.
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