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Everything posted by HammersCrew

  1. Hi all, Sunny is out of her cage most of the day, but constantly flies over to my hand. I am just standing somewhere, and I hear her flapping. I then just stick my hand up and she lands softly on it. If we are on the couch, she will fly right to the back of the couch, about 6 inches from my face :eek: haha! If I'm in the office area, she flies right at me and again, last minute I stick up my hand and she lands perfectly everytime. It's sweet, but I need to understand more about this. Couple questions- I assume this is her need to be around me/us, but I am also wondering if this is a sign that she is bored with her cage-top toys or setup, and secondly, since it's more frequent when she first come out of the cage, is she just stretching, getting some exercise, etc. Not sure what I can do about it- but I would like for her to kind of stay around her cage area. I have to work (from home, on the computer) and we have 3 big dogs. I don't want her to get hurt, and I can't keep "catching" her 20 times a day! haha! She's 5 months old, a real sweetheart. Gives kisses, steps up on command, just very good so far. She's been with us for a couple weeks now. Thanks gang! Rick
  2. Hi All, So happy to be in such a knowledgeable and helpful forum! This is my Sunny. She is 5 months old, and has been home with me for about 5 days. She started making a lot of these noises in the last day or 2. Perhaps you guys/gals can help me read what this might mean? Is she learning to talk, or telling me something else, or? Thank you all SO much! Rick
  3. Thanks for the great welcome all! I'll be reading through the different threads every day Here is a quick cell phone pic of little Sunny.. she is just the sweetest Rick
  4. Whew! Thanks for helping me understand this! She seesm very well adjusted as far as mannerisms and actions in her new home, so that was my only main concern. Thanks again Now I need to get my GF to stop saying "MountainTop!" everytime the baby poops, or else I fear I'll be hearing that 100 times a day for life! hahaha! Rick
  5. Hey Thanks! Thats a good sigh of relief I think! I posted similar over in the Health forum, and added some pics there if you'd like to check them out. I just realized that I said her parents were from Africa.. DUH! haha! Hence the name? haha! What I meant was that they were directly from there, as opposed to US bred or whatever. I'm sure none of that means anything, but I didn't want to come off as a complete moron (not complete, only mostly! haha) You've got quite the bird fleet there! We have 2 pitbulls, a Cane Corso (beautiful dog) and our little Sunny. She'll be bossing them around in no time! She's fullly flighted, and has already taken some initial ..ahem..Test flights... we are watching her and the doggies closely, and do not leave them unsupervised. Thanks again! Rick and Sunny
  6. Hi all, I posted my introduction in that section- but this matter is concerning me. My Sunny is a 5 month old CAG and when she stretches her neck, or if you look up under her lower beak, it's completely bare. I can see her "throat" skin, etc. I'll try to post a pic if I can. Not sure if this is normal. taking her for initial vet check later in the week, but I'm kinda freaking out about this neck/throat thing. She just came home last Friday, and has taken to her new surroundings very well! She stups up, makes funny little baby noises, chirps when I get close (in a good way I think!) and already LOVES to take a bath/shower! We are very happy she is here, but still concerned about this oddity. Thanks! Rick
  7. Hi everyone- Rick in San Diego here. I've just welcomed a great new addition to the family- 5 month old Grey We've named her Sunny. The breeder (private) has been very helpful, and just in her first few days she is warming up to her new surroundings. She will step up to me, and has started to make all kinds of funny little "baby like" noises she is a real sweetheart. The breeders said that her parents were from Africa, not sure what or if that means something, but thought I would mention it. We have her cage all outfitted with many toys, and she loves to play both inside and on the outside top perch. In 2 days she already LOVES to take a bath/shower so thats good! She does have some issues that I'm going to ask about- specifically that under her chin/lower beak is completely bare. I can see her "throat" and there are no feathers at all. When she is sitting normally, you can't tell. Only if you stretch her head up and look underneath can you see that it's completely bare under her beak. Not even sure if this is normal or not Anyway- saying Hi and happy to be here! Sunny is such a great addition, and will be loved and cared for very much! Rick
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