dear friends, i am glad, u got ur tight CAG, but i have something to inform you, take her/him to a vet immediately, i understand the bird is new, so i will suggest to do the vaccinations immediately, I purchased birds, (i dont like to call them birds though) i call (called) "mittu", 3 weeks back i purchased her, and she managed to get her position at my home, with children in hours!! and i turned our whole balcony as her home, with all the nestings, branching and toys.. with humidifier, and u name it.. next morning i saw her dead on the floor...
i didnt want to hurt children, i bought another one, and pretended its the same (kids went to school and couldnt identify the difference), and the new guy, trust me, she literrally made me reach home 2 hrs earlier home everyday.. and we were soo happy for 3 weeks, and suddenly, it started to be silent..(even she started to make noises,like whisling, ringing the bell and so on..
2nd day i took her to the vet, they gave 2 injections and said the chances are few, as they all are having a kind of virus, at these shops which might start to affect in 4 weeks time, and the 3rd day she is too gone........
i tried to explain children that i send her to a vet to get her cured.. i dont know what to write more. take ur CAG to vet, give all the vaccines..
i bought both from sharjah bird and animal market..