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Everything posted by prettylila

  1. I haven't been on in ages but I just started to notice my Lila acting strange. I took her to a new avian vet today whom I disliked very much, he didn't take her temp, weigh her and I had to hold her while he trimmed her nails? Which I didn't mind but I've never had to do that. Anyways, on to the issue. I know what beak grinding is b/c she would do it almost every night before she would doze off. But now ALL day she'll lick the roof of her beak obsessively. ALMOST like shes eating but isn't at all. Is this a sexual behavior? Shes 4 and a half. Her poop looks fine, shes eating fine and drinking. I don't think shes sick. Shes on me right now doing it, its bothersome b/c it just started like a week ago. She's not bringing anything up, she has no discharge. I'm at a loss. HELPPP?
  2. Greys are extremely intelligent.. They can sense if you are intimadated.. If mine bites me.. I say nothing.. she gets NOTHING no response no sudden movement. Maybe a look.. They do it for attention.
  3. I'm so excited for you all. I've had my AG for years.. I got mine from a petstore. I wasn't even wanting a parrot ( was in there for dog food:)) I saw her sitting in the smallest cage with dried droppings and the looks of it never being cleaned.. Her feathers were everywhere and she was only 9 months. Yikes!! You guys were smart getting yours from a breeder but I looked at her and she looked at me with those eyes like HELP me while the two little kids stuck their fingers in her cage.. She got one of them and told the other to "go away". I looked at my boyfriend and said I'll take her.. She would NOT let me near her for weeks.. Nor come out of her cage (she was distraught) and didn't trust anything or anyone. All she wanted to do was stay in her cage. So If you have this problem with your grey, all I did was open the door and let her come out on HER time. When I saw her on top of her cage, I went and asked for her to step up. She had NO idea what I wanted so she flew on me. Scared me half to death but ever since that day she knew I wasnt going to harm her. I bought her a brand new gigantic cage and she is my baby and a COMPLETELY different bird.. Don't be nervous, just have fun. They are amazing creatures and ANYONE is lucky to have one:) Good luck and congrats!
  4. I agree.. Give him some time.. He's NOT quite sure if you are trustworthy. But they learn fast.. They are extremely intelligent.. Don't worry about the care incident. YES they hold grudges but they seem to forgive when you hand them their favorite treat.. Just keep working with him and loving him and he will surely come around:)
  5. Hey. African greys are so intelligent.. There could be several reasons why that poor baby is plucking.. He seems like he bonded with you immediately, they are usually one person birds.. He most likely was plucking for a combination of reasons. Lack of attention. Which means it's a behavioral problem. If he plucks in front of you, don't say anything just walk away.. Come back later with positive reinforcement.. They create lots of dander and it becomes irritating to the skin if he never gets bathed.. The skin under the feathers could be extremely itchy.. Mine has done it in the past but luckily learned that it wasn't something to get attention.. she got the opposite.. So she stopped and hasn't plucked in forever. I'm glad you saved her from the shed.. Doesn't sound like a fun place to live. Give him lots of love and toys and keep talking to him and he should return back to normal. if he doesn't, take him to the vet and they can help you out:)
  6. My umbrella cockatoo does that.. and when he manages to get all of the water all over the floor and none on him, he starts showering himself with his food...
  7. ouch.. it seems like your little baby doesn't trust humans very well.. Mine was the same way. When I got her she was extremely distraught and destroyed my fingers.. So what I did, was I talked to her a lot in a very sweet gentle voice. To get the bird out of it's zone, I openend the cage door and left the room.. She eventually waddled her way out ( I was secretly watching) and I had no problem getting her off of her cage.. Just let your new bird get adjusted to his new home and shower him with lots of attention and toys and lots of treats.. About the crooked toe, that might be very painful for him still so If I were you, I would take him to the vet as soon as possible, it might be broken.. which will explain hissing.. This is all new to him so get him checked out and have fun with your new baby:)
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