I haven't been on in ages but I just started to notice my Lila acting strange. I took her to a new avian vet today whom I disliked very much, he didn't take her temp, weigh her and I had to hold her while he trimmed her nails? Which I didn't mind but I've never had to do that.
Anyways, on to the issue. I know what beak grinding is b/c she would do it almost every night before she would doze off. But now ALL day she'll lick the roof of her beak obsessively. ALMOST like shes eating but isn't at all. Is this a sexual behavior? Shes 4 and a half. Her poop looks fine, shes eating fine and drinking. I don't think shes sick. Shes on me right now doing it, its bothersome b/c it just started like a week ago. She's not bringing anything up, she has no discharge. I'm at a loss. HELPPP?