You may or may not know me from Parrot Forums as Mira. My name is Marie and I am from Canada.
I am a proud owner of Kouki; the Congo African Grey as well as Noni; the Basenji, Binoo; the kitten, Binti; the Percheron and Rubia; the Belgian Draft Horse... I am also a soon-to-be mommy of a beautiful, adopted, baby girl from Japan. I wouldn't call my place a zoo, per say, but I definitely have my hands full!
Now about the Amazing Greys. I recently adopted a 15 year old male Congo African Grey named Kouki (formerly Captain Cookie), from a very sad situation. The love of his life, his previous owner, passed away. She left behind 5 other birds into the care of her 70+ year old husband; including Kouki’s best friend a 6 year old TAG named Cat. Fortunately, all of the birds have found a loving home.
All 6 of the birds came home with, literally, their own manuals. Their previous owner use to write in a diary, almost every day, for each of her birds. When I picked Kouki up, I came home with 15 diaries plus another 5 about his mother, Lady Jewel. Unfortunately, most of the diaries are either falling apart or illegible- either way it has been an absolute blessing being able to read about Kouki and Jewel’s past.
Kouki is such a character! He loves to make people laugh and has a very “look at me” personality. Supposedly, he can say over 500 words and already I’ve heard him say:
• “Ohhhhhhhhhh, yummy, yummy, yummy!” when he was enjoying a yummy snack
• “Kibble, pleeeeease!” and starts tapping the food bowl with his beak, when he’s hungry
• “Ohhhhhhhhhh brotherrr!” when my kitten cried
• “Sweet dreams” when I cover his crate with his sleeping blanket
• “Yes, mommy?” when you say his name
Anyhow, I’m not sure what else to mention.
After lurking around, you all seem like a very friendly bunch so I look forward to getting to share many more stories about Kouki and my discoveries from the diaries.
ETA- I know all of you are going to be begging for pictures, but at the moment I don't have a camera.
My lovely, very pregnant, 2300 lbs Percheron stepped on my camera, so it has been sent for repairs.