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About AmazingGreys

  • Birthday 01/15/1993


  • Biography
    Proud owner of Kouki


  • Location


  • Interests
    Falconry, Horseback Riding

AmazingGreys's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. 4. Turn off the oven. I wouldn't want the house to burn down with my kid and Grey in the house... Anyways, my Amazon would have a microchip You're a stuck all alone on a remote island with a beautiful beach and Amazon jungle as your backyard and are absolutely clueless about surviving in the 'wild'. Would you...? 1. Become friends with all the animals (especially the birds) and let them find food for you 4. Try to get an internet connection on your laptop, so you can go on Grey Forums and ask "What would you do if you were in this situation?"
  2. What irks me most is seeing how much hatred there is in this world.
  3. 2. Let the other two have the parachutes. You're late for a very important meeting at work and your baby throws-up on your blouse/suit, your dog pees on your shoes, your hormonal monkey mashes bananas into your hair, you slip in your horse's manure and get it all over your backside. Would you...? 1. Blame the smell, in the meeting room, on your boss and get fired. 2. Get a $5000 speeding-ticket from the cops because were driving like a maniac, and then when you arrive at work act as if nothing ever happened. 3. Quit your job and live like a hobo for the rest of your life. ... I'm a bit drastic, I know.
  4. I must say Babalu has got to be one of the cutest names for a bird, ever. :)

  5. Thanks! Basically, only the screen was cracked. I was expecting a lot worse, when I went to pick it up off the floor- luckily it fell in the muddy pasture so it was sunken into the ground before any real damage could be done. I'm 100% sure there wouldn't be anything left to salvage, if it was on the concrete flooring in the barn. The repair shop said they'll see what they can do, if it's more than just a cracked screen, they'll give me a new one (thanks to my 3 year warranty ). *cross my fingers* they'll give me a new one
  6. Tomorrow, I will put Noni in his crate and bring him into the bird room so they can see each other. I am going to put a treat or two on the top of the crate for Kouki. I previously owned a small flock of senior rescues; Cockatiels, Green Cheeks and Sun Conures, which Noni was raised around. He is very submissive around the birds and completely ignores them. Plus Kouki was raised around German Shepherds for many, many years so there shouldn't be too much of a startle when meeting.
  7. Welcome to the forum! Do you have any pictures of Chipper?
  8. Sure! By the way she writes, she seemed like a joy to be around.. Super comical, just like her birds. His biological mom, Lady Jewel, was an anniversary present from the husband over 23 years ago~ which I though was really cute! She talks about a lot of personal things and how Jewel helped her through it all. When Jewel passed away, almost 4 years ago, a friend/neighbor gave her their TAG to "replace" Jewel. She named the Timneh Cat, because he purred and cried like a kitten. At first Kouki wasn't too fond of sharing his mate with an other male Grey, but they became really good buddies afterwards. I really wanted to give both Kouki and Cat a home together, but he was already sold by the time I got there. I emailed Cat's new owner, to see if she'd be willing to have a play-date for the two boys to reunite, and she accepted! I love it when she talks about the meals she'd prepare for them (and how the husband would be jealous)! I particularly like what she'd make for his birthdays'; "Captain Cookie's Birthday Delight" with grated cuttle bone, ground pellets, mashed brown rice, molasses, grated apples, mango cubes, cantaloupe cubes, grape slices, whole pecans and of course banana slices (he LOVES bananas!). She wrote a recipe for meal, but it looks like water (or maybe tears) washed away the writing. This morning, I wanted to start introducing my other animals to Kouki. I brought Noni & Binoo's crate into the bird-room for him to explore, and possibly get accustomed to the smell of the other animals. He grabbed a grape from his fruit bowl and decided to indulge in the delicious snack in Noni's crate! I think he believes we're going to go to a ride in the car... He's talking up a storm as I'm typing! I can't quite make out what he's saying but he seems to be enjoying himself, non-the-less.
  9. Voted and shared with Facebook friends...
  10. Hi, You may or may not know me from Parrot Forums as Mira. My name is Marie and I am from Canada. I am a proud owner of Kouki; the Congo African Grey as well as Noni; the Basenji, Binoo; the kitten, Binti; the Percheron and Rubia; the Belgian Draft Horse... I am also a soon-to-be mommy of a beautiful, adopted, baby girl from Japan. I wouldn't call my place a zoo, per say, but I definitely have my hands full! Now about the Amazing Greys. I recently adopted a 15 year old male Congo African Grey named Kouki (formerly Captain Cookie), from a very sad situation. The love of his life, his previous owner, passed away. She left behind 5 other birds into the care of her 70+ year old husband; including Kouki’s best friend a 6 year old TAG named Cat. Fortunately, all of the birds have found a loving home. All 6 of the birds came home with, literally, their own manuals. Their previous owner use to write in a diary, almost every day, for each of her birds. When I picked Kouki up, I came home with 15 diaries plus another 5 about his mother, Lady Jewel. Unfortunately, most of the diaries are either falling apart or illegible- either way it has been an absolute blessing being able to read about Kouki and Jewel’s past. Kouki is such a character! He loves to make people laugh and has a very “look at me” personality. Supposedly, he can say over 500 words and already I’ve heard him say: • “Ohhhhhhhhhh, yummy, yummy, yummy!” when he was enjoying a yummy snack • “Kibble, pleeeeease!” and starts tapping the food bowl with his beak, when he’s hungry • “Ohhhhhhhhhh brotherrr!” when my kitten cried • “Sweet dreams” when I cover his crate with his sleeping blanket • “Yes, mommy?” when you say his name Anyhow, I’m not sure what else to mention. After lurking around, you all seem like a very friendly bunch so I look forward to getting to share many more stories about Kouki and my discoveries from the diaries. ETA- I know all of you are going to be begging for pictures, but at the moment I don't have a camera. My lovely, very pregnant, 2300 lbs Percheron stepped on my camera, so it has been sent for repairs.
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