Actually, I have a question. I got my little Chipper... CAG... who is 10 yrs old, 4 wks ago. I'm still trying to figure out how much to feed him and what to feed him. There are so many varying answers out ther. I'm used to training dogs, done it for yrs, but this little guy got abandoned, and I adopted him, and I have no access to his previous owner. I'm still trying to get him to get on my hind, even though he lets me hand feed him. I can't take him out of the cage because of this. I can't even get hold of him to take him out of the cage. So, actually I have 2 conerns, how do I get him out of the cage when his wings aren't clipped, and two, how much food should he be eating? I feed him 2X a day with corn, brocolli, brussel sprouts, radishes, cucumbers, mushrooms, grapes, apples, and there's always seed in his bowl. Interesting that he'll take food from my hand and let me scratch his head, and he even cleans his beak on my fingers, but he will not step up. I made some progress today using Millet as a reward/entice system moving him closer to my finger as we wnt, and I got him to touch my finger but not step up. Guess I'll try it again tomorrow. Any advice would be helpful, he was abandoned with an abusive drunk, but by all appearance physically he's in good shape. He's happy, but is he traumatised?:confused: