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Everything posted by lovebirds1883

  1. Shelly Email me again. I messed up and permantly deleted your email by accident. Thanks S
  2. Shelly - Please email me. We have much more to talk about than can be covered in a posting. Try sablessing@gmail.com If you continue to have problems I will give you my phone no. but I would rather email for a bit. Sally in WV
  3. Sadly, my life situation has changed and having 2 birds is having a serious effect on my husband's breathing. I have waited too long to look for new homes. Avery is fully feathered and always been with me. She's about 8 yrs old. Good temperament but doesn't care for men. Might be she can get over that with some work. Husband always ignored her so no man has ever worked with her. Alex is a rescue bird. Not a sweeter bird on this earth. Knows no strangers. I am guessing she is between 18 - 22 yrs old. She's been in the rescue system. She is a plucker. Nothing changes that except to keep her busy tearing something up. Right now, that's phone books. She actually prefers men but likes anyone who will give her love and attention. Avery is the big talker. Alex talks well too. I am in WV and willing to drive 3 hours in any direction to meet someone. I will be very particular. I don't want these birds to end up in the rescue system. They are both good house pets and deserve wonderful lives. You can email me directly @ sablessing@gmail.com Hope the perfect home/s are out there. They are not a bonded pair - they don't need to be kept together.
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