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Everything posted by k9nurse

  1. Gotta love it when they get so comfortable with you they do this when you pet them:
  2. Oh Judy, aren't they meant to be spoiled? LOL, yes, it definitely makes it harder to wait!
  3. Hahaha. Not really, he is turning out to be quite the laid back little guy! He gets so excited when I come in to see him and then settles down and puts his head in the palm of my hand, making tiny little noises until I pet him. Then he lays down and goes to sleep. Today, he wouldn't even stand up to stretch, little lazy boy, just rolled to one side to stretch his leg and wing. Yup, he's high strung all right. He's just over 10 weeks old. Can't wait to bring him home!!!! Thanks for letting me share
  4. k9nurse


    I am so sorry, Barbara. Such tragic news. I hope the vets can help bring some closure for you. Hugs to you and your flock.
  5. Here's the video of Echo last night: What a great time! He was fabulous and absolutely gorgeous. I see why people love the Zons.
  6. Awww, what a pretty girl! I understand that heartbreak. I'm waiting on my 8 week old CAG baby, Mojo, to be ready to come home. He has started recognizing me when I come in to visit and cries when I leave. So hard to wait!!!! Thanks for sharing the pics, she is beautiful! ~Amanda
  7. So here's a short video of Cosmo. He sounds exactly like Jeff when he says Hello. He is even imitating Paco's macaw grumbles. Such a funny guy! Should I get that cough checked out, lol.
  8. I feel ya! I'm at least 4 weeks out from Mojo (baby CAG) coming home. Can't wait!!!!
  9. I love eyeball pics and bleeding hearts are by far my favorite in my garden Thanks for sharing!
  10. Thanks all, I will post an update tomorrow or Wednesday. Lot's of new stuff going on
  11. We're thinkin' boutcha Jayd and hopin for a speedy return. Miss ya
  12. Neither of my greys are banded. Cosmo's breeder didn't band him and Mojo's fell off. Paco the macaw is the only banded bird in our house and we are considering taking him in to have it removed. Poor guy chews at it several times per day
  13. Thanks, Judy! I am enjoying every moment I can
  14. Well, as per usual, I went in to visit with little Mojo today. At first, he was a little standoffish, but within about 5 minutes, he waddled right over to me. He was MUCH calmer today and I think that is in part to his age and because I went in a bit later today so he was full. He enjoyed his cuddles today and for the first time, actually puffed up his head and lowered it to get more scratchies! He did spook a couple times when a fly buzzed past him and when some rather loud folks walked by. He literally ran over to me and hunkered down. He seems so much more aware of his surroundings now. He is also starting to mimic other noises aside from his usual baby cry. Today, he sounded like the older TAGs. He loves to meet new birds. Another lady who purchased a baby was there to visit (a bronze wing pionus which by the way is an awesome bird!) and her baby and Mojo had a nice time visiting each other. Mojo is also eating some soaked pellets and veggies now. I am thrilled with his progress. He seems to get bigger by the minute. Even perched on my arm for a few moments today. He seems to really like to snuggle in my neck and today he fell asleep with his beak against my cheek Thanks for letting me share!
  15. What greyt advice! I will start doing that
  16. Hi all, During one of my daily visits to Mojo at the store this week, I decided to spend some time socializing the TAG babies. They don't get handled much and have both recently decided to "growl" anytime anyone wants to touch them. After a good 15 minutes with the boy, he decided I was okay and stepped up on my arm. I wasn't prepared for what happened next. He cocked his head, looked right at me and said "Hi" and then laughed! Oh my, he is gonna be a smart birdie indeed! Has anyone heard a 3 month old talk? While I was there yesterday he said "Hi" a few times and "Hello" as well. He is very vocal, making all kinds of sounds and whistles.
  17. Hi all, Our 7 year old CAG, Cosmo, is turning into quite the smarty pants! He didn't utter a word until he was 3 years old and even now only says a few things. Recently, he seems to be picking things up left and right. This weekend, he said Mo, Mo, Mo, Mo, PACO! Ha! He now says his big red brother's name! How about that? Is there anything I can do to encourage him to learn new words? I sit with him and talk to him quite a bit, but he is Jeff's bird Thanks for letting me share!
  18. Loved seeing all the red butts go flying off! Interesting that the wild AG beaks seem so much shorter than many of the companion birds I've seen. Does that mean that our companion's beaks are too long? Curious.
  19. Hi Len and welcome! I'm your neighbor too, I live in Canton. Congrats on your new grey. Looking forward to hearing more!
  20. I watched it last night. They made it through to Vegas
  21. What a greyt idea! My macaw loves almonds but my CAG Cosmo can't get them open so gets disinterested quickly. I'm gonna try this today, thanks for the post!
  22. Sorry it is sideways, I used my cellphone for the video. Pretty decent quality for a cell phone, though!
  23. Hi all, So this is a typical visit with Mojo, except normally I am touching him His crop was nearly empty even though he had been fed less than an hour before this was shot. It is loud as there are many birds in the background. So, is the head bobbing and crying normal at this age? He is just under 8 weeks old.
  24. I haven't been here long, but I value Jayd for all his wisdom to us newcomers! Wishing you well, friend.
  25. Looks great, are you taking orders? LOL
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