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Newbie (1/14)



  1. http://biareview.com/ trung tâm đào tạo kế toán http://anztheme.com/ dịch vụ thành lập công ty trọn gói tư vấn luật dịch vụ kế toán giá rẻ để con đi sử lý bọn họ?

    Sau khi nghe thấy sư phụ nói, Chu Khiếu Thiên liền hưng phấn ánh mắt không để ý đển tốt xấu mà tràn đầy sự khiêu khích.

    - Tiểu tử, vì Định Định mang thai mà kìm sự lợi hại lại được không?

    Diệp Thiên để tay lên đầu:

    - Sát khí của chỗ nào lớn như vậy? Bây giờ con đang muốn thăng cấp lên tiên thiên, đừng có vội vàng, bắt đầu lại không xuất thủ nữa.

    Sau khi thăng cấp trong cõi chết, bản thân Diệp Thiên đã trải qua một chút kinh nghiệm để khuyên bảo Chu Khiếu Thiên. Không ngờ tâm cậu ta lại giống như ma vậy. Cái này đối với thần thức mà nói chỉ là trăm hại mà không có m

  2. How on earth did he get stuck in the break peddles ? ? ? surely he wasn't lose in the car...He should have been in a carry box. I expect the experience has frightened him and he may take some time to settle down. I'm no expert by any means but I would suggest taking things real slow with him and let him get his bearings. We were lucky with ours as he was hand reared and used to people handling him all the time and we went and saw him quiet a few times b4 we bought him home so that he was used to us. Don't rush him and let him come to you when he's ready...
  3. HI all, Im a newbie here too and I picked up my AG on Sunday. He has settled in great and is already a huge part of the family. He is 13 weeks old and weaned but we are still giving him baby food once a day to get that bond with him. He loves his cuddles and wants to be held constantly which is lovely as I also have a cockatiel who would have your finger off if you even try to go near him..!, so to be able to hold and cuddle a bird is a new thing for us and we are loving it. We hope that by our cockatiel seeing us handle our AG and seeing that we will not hurt him he may come round, but I suspect that will take a while. But thankfully the 2 birds are getting on just fine, our little cockatiel looks tiny now against the AG. Have loads of pictures if anyone is interested, in the meantime I wish you luck with your new little bundles of fun and hope the time until you pick them up doesn;t drag to much..
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