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About Deucypher

  • Birthday 02/18/1977


  • Location
    Edmonton AB

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. We've finally chosen a name for her and we've decided to name her Tui after Andrews bird that he lost, we both feel his pain and believe that Tui2 will fill in previous tui's shoes well besides we love the name
  2. Welcome! hope you enjoy the forum, there's ALOT of people willing to help with any questions on here. i'm new to greys as well and they've helped me ALOT
  3. Yep, I think I may have already experienced this...I think, this morning when I took her out of her cage her wings were apart a little bit and she was pretty excited and was biting a little harder than her gental beaking she was doing yesterday. but now she steps up without a problem and seemed VERY anxious to come to my hands, even coming off her playtop [being a little clumsey] and stretched out her foot and beak further towards me than I had thought possible lol once she got on my hand and did the wing thing and was beaking roughly anywhere she could I did as you said and am now waiting to go back to her...she seems content preening her wings on the playtop right now. funny thing this morning...I gave her a millet branch and she was eating it...accidently dropped onto the top of her cage so when I heard her "humph" sound I went back to get it for her again...she did this three times...but on the third time I put it in her dish, she picked it up by the end and I SWEAR she AIMED it to fall between the bars on the top of the cage...I think she's training me...yea probably not too interesting but I found it mindblowing lol
  4. Well just picked her up today, so far i've given her scritches and have coaxed her to step up with some millet the breeder said she didn't step up well but she did it pretty quickly when I had millet for her my wife is a little scared to scritch her or have her step up yet hehe here's some pics i've taken so far..dunno why they are sideways, i took them with my phone and the quality isn't all that good. i'll upload more once we get some with the good camera
  5. Thanks SO much guys, we do feel alot better after reading all your comments
  6. Hi! I'm new here so please take it easy on me My wife and I are buying a newly weaned CAG and I was wondering if I spend more time with it than my wife does will it be more likely to bond to me? also if it does bond to me...will it hate my wife? like I don't totally understand the "one person bird" phrase....will it HATE and attack everyone else? or will they also be able to hold, teach and play with it as well? Also...what is a Fid? lol is that short for "flying kid?" srry i'm a noob I guess lol anyways thanx so much
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