Yep, I think I may have already experienced this...I think, this morning when I took her out of her cage her wings were apart a little bit and she was pretty excited and was biting a little harder than her gental beaking she was doing yesterday. but now she steps up without a problem and seemed VERY anxious to come to my hands, even coming off her playtop [being a little clumsey] and stretched out her foot and beak further towards me than I had thought possible lol
once she got on my hand and did the wing thing and was beaking roughly anywhere she could I did as you said and am now waiting to go back to her...she seems content preening her wings on the playtop right now.
funny thing this morning...I gave her a millet branch and she was eating it...accidently dropped onto the top of her cage so when I heard her "humph" sound I went back to get it for her again...she did this three times...but on the third time I put it in her dish, she picked it up by the end and I SWEAR she AIMED it to fall between the bars on the top of the cage...I think she's training me...yea probably not too interesting but I found it mindblowing lol