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Everything posted by electra

  1. In one scenario you are narrating (explaining your actions) what you are doing.......ie. sweeping.....in the other you are adressing him directly. These are appropriate shift tenses in English:)
  2. No her name is Rose.......my husband named her:)
  3. She looks like a turkey vulture.....you know....with the naked head:) But she has soulful eyes and alot of "red factor" feathers. The rest of her body is in good shape feather wise. I will post some pictures soon. We are working on the dog inrto....everytime i allow a dog in.....she gets a treat. I am hoping she comes to associate their presence with a reward for her.
  4. Thanks for the advice....we are moving soon from Ohio to Florida...moving 3 dogs.....a cat ....a pionus....2 conures.....a timneh....and an 81 year old father in law......OMG....i am not looking forward to the moving part....just the no snow part:)
  5. hi everyone:) I just wanted to give an update on the timneh. Just for a brief background....i adopted a timneh that went from pet/breeder/pet in that order. I dont know how long she was a pet or a breeder prior to the last home which had her a year as a breeder. Her name is Rose and she has a problem with her ovaries that make her unable to lay. So the breeder decided to rehome her as a pet. So far she is settling in well. Eats everything we give her......lots of veggies and the mash i make for my other birds. She will very gently take food from my fingers and today she solicited me to pet her head. :cool: Her head is plucked from her mate....but small fuzz and some feathers appear to be regrowing. I have been misting her daily with a aloe vera/water mix i use on my flock and keep the humidity up. This seems to help her itchy head. Well I just thought i'd share our progress:) I am so happy we were able to give this darling a chance at a long healthy life of love and care as she so deserves. Cheers:) electra and flock...
  6. Hi I'm electra...... I have a white cap pionus (Eva), 2 green cheeks (Bibi and Butters), and a rehomed Timneh grey (as yet unnamed). I just adopted the Timneh today actually. She was a pet....then a breeder bird....and after having reproductive problems......back to a pet. The family I got her from was unsure of her age. But the vet thinks 10-15. Her poor little head is plucked bald from her mate. So thats where we are at....brand new home and a brand new life:) She ate this evening and took a nutriberry from my fingers so far.....she got very upset at the sight of my dogs in the room.....so they are banished for now.......just giving her a few days to chill and get used to life here:) :cool:
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