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Everything posted by TitaniumPhoenix

  1. Good to know it's not that abnormal! Thanks everyone!
  2. So Ruffles has a strange new habit -- he likes to hide out in his small travel cage. We give him tons of time out of the cage; usually eight or nine hours a day, give or take his behavior (when he bites he gets time outs and when we cook we put him away so he doesn't fly near our gas stove). We had to take him to the vet not long ago and we just left his travel cage out of storage (we're sort of in a temporary place, so not a lot of space). He hates traveling in his travel cage, but ever since we've been leaving the carrier cage out he has been willingly spending time inside it! We're baffled! He's not scared, because he sits in there preening himself, or he drags toys into the cage with him. I've even started playing peek-a-boo with him while he's inside it. He willingly comes to us if we ask him to come out, pokes his head out if we call his name and even sings and talks while he's inside. (Which is actually hilarious, because his little voice echoes inside the carrier, lol!) I just wanted to see if anyone else has had something like this with their feathered friends? Is it normal? Or is he just a fan of exploring dark, small spaces? Oh! I'll try to remember to snap a picture of him the next time he's in there for evidence (or for humor, lol)
  3. Thanks all! I'll definitely look into the wet vac and Roomba. One of the vacuums we already managed to destroy was an Oreck that was way too much of a hassle, otherwise I would look into that too. I'm just shocked at the amount of feathers that end up EVERYWHERE! I look at Ruffles and wonder how he isn't bald, and he's no where near it. He's as poofy as ever! Lol
  4. So we're experiancing Ruffles' first molt and he is unbelievably messy! Feathers, dust and he has now taken to throw his food around when he finds something in his dish he doesn't care for. So I guess my question is: can anyone recommend a good vacuum that can handle a messy bird? We've managed to ruin two already (feathers clogged up the hose and seeds got into the engine) so we're desperate for advice on a heavy duty vacuum! Much obliged!
  5. Don't you love it when their way if saying, "I'm done!" is to throw it on the floor? Ruffles does that when he's done eating, or if he finds a particular food he doesn't like. I guess it's his way of saying, "Gross!!"
  6. Ruffles is just over a year now and he made all of these noises when he was younger. Just like Spinner said, the noises were specific to different things. He would open his beak, look at us and make a tiny 'Ack!' noise when he was hungry. When he would greet us (whether we just came home or uncovered him in the morning) he would make a 'Weet weet!' noise (and he still does this). He also makes the gurgling/vibrating noise, but he usually only does it when his head is being scratched or he is puffed up and content with us (sitting on our knee, hand, arm, etc.). We always assumed this was a purring sound and his way of saying, "Ahh! This is the life!" Try offering her some food and see what kind of reaction you get. Give her a cuddle (if she enjoys it, of course!) and see what noise she makes. This will help you figure out what she wants and give you a chance to bond with her.
  7. I'm glad my hubby and I aren't the only ones who wonder about our birds poop! Ruffles has a tendency (even if we only look away for a second) to eat anything around him. His poop has been purple, blue, red and after sticking his head into a bag of Dorritos and going to town, orange! Lol!
  8. I'm curious about this myself... Ruffles is a little over a year old now, but we're having a hard time deciding if he's using his beak to climb or if he's genuinely being aggressive. Is there a specific sign when there's aggression? Like squawking or screaming? There are times, when I haven't moved or done a thing different while holding him, that he will freak out and nip my fingers (usually accompanied by a squawk of some sort). I'm starting to worry that we're doing something wrong... He never used to act like this with us. Is he just maturing and not wanting 'mommy and daddy' to pet him? Or are we doing something wrong?
  9. He doesn't seem to do it when he's upset. It's more just a sound he makes for fun... Which, ironically enough, we've noticed the birds outside make the same noise. He must have heard them make that sound and, as he often as he does, decided "That noise is great! I need to do that too!" We'll start looking for a new, less ear piercing sound for him to learn! Thanks for the advice!
  10. So Ruffles has started to scream. A lot. It's a high pitched, shrill whistle that is just shy of being so sharp I'm surprised the neighborhood dogs haven't started crying! We've tried everything we know to get him to stop: putting him in 'time out' for five minutes when he screeches (where he just continues to scream) and giving him treats when he IS quiet (which is very rare right now). We first thought he was contact calling us, but our house is small and he's always in one of our two rooms with us. The only time he's alone is when we actually leave the house. We have no idea what to do and we're about to go crazy! We haven't changed his routine or anything, so we don't know why he's started acting this way! He's become so frustrating I've threatened to sell him to SeaWorld so they can train him, lol! We just want to figure out how to get our polite little gentleman back... Any thoughts or advice for some near deaf parents?
  11. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this. It's always horrible to see a friend sick, whether they be human or animal. Do your best just to be loving parents in her time of need and, as others have said, know that this wasn't your fault! I'll be praying for a recovery for you!
  12. Aww! Louie is so cute!! I love when they have their little black baby eyes. They look so innocent and sweet! And then they turn yellow and get a mind of their own... the audacity of them, lol!
  13. Cool! Thank you everyone for your responses! I'm glad to hear we're doing right by Ruffles As for screeching and fly bys and killing all toys... He's doing that now! Of course he's loud and screechy when the hubby is trying to get some sleep and I'm packing for a flight in a few hours!
  14. Ruffles actually has his own Facebook page that has a great collection of pictures! I'm sorry, I would post them here, but my hubby and I are about to go out for dinner. Mr. Ruffles The page started out as a joke... but it turned into a good place for our friends and family to make rather funny comments! (Particularly my mother in law who, no matter how hard she tries, cannot get Ruffles to like her!)
  15. Hello! I hope this is the right section for these few questions. My apologies if it isn't! Our one year old TAG Ruffles (who also goes by "Lord Ruffington" as my husband calls him ) has been acting rather peculiar lately. We let him out of the cage (actually, we try to keep his cage door open all day if we can) and he seems like he would rather stay inside at times. I know Greys tend to enjoy their own version of 'alone time', so we don't force him out, but I want to know if this still counts as 'out of the cage' time? His cage door will be open, but he'll stay inside and preen or just watch us. Which leads me to another question... Is he a little bored? I know excessive preening can mean he's bored, but he isn't plucking himself bald. I also know that a Grey just sitting there doing nothing (or napping) may also mean he's bored. The last thing I want is for him to become bored and unhappy. We bought him a new toy, which he seems fond of, and I've also started cutting up newspaper and hiding treats for him in the clippings so he can forage for them. Is this enough? Or should we find some other means to keep him entertained? Oh! And also: are Greys content with just sitting on a perch next to you while you watch TV, read or play video games? We often bring Ruffles with us whenever we're in another room so he doesn't feel lonely. He'll either sit on his perch and talk to us, preen or nap... Or he'll sit on my lap and demand a head scratching. Is this enough to keep him happy and make him feel like he's a part of the flock? Alright! Twenty questions is over now! I must sound like a concerned first time mother, lol! Thanks in advanced!
  16. Hello everyone! I just wanted to write a quick greeting to everyone since I just joined! I stumbled across your forums not long ago, and my husband and I found the information on this site very helpful. We have a somewhat new friend named Ruffles! He's a TAG and he's a little over a year old now. He's kind of quirky, and we're hoping asking some questions and reading some threads on here will help us make him a happier bird! As I type this, Ruffles is sitting in my lap and demanding a head scratch, so I'd better be on my way!
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