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Everything posted by Kodoo

  1. No offense taken, but from what i saw, the chances for the bird to survive with me is higher than keeping him with the guy. I did what i think is the best for the bird. I really hope that i can help this poor one. I hope its not a lose lose situation.
  2. Yesterday i went to the pet store i got my lost baby parrot from. I found that he had another baby parrot, and he was treating him badly. I had a huge argument with he guy, that he shouldn't do so but he just didn't care. I tried to report the guy but i was told that nothing will happen, and if i have a prof he will pay a small fine and thats it. I went back to the store and looked at the poor thing and decided to buy him, maybe i'll give him a better chance of surviving. He charged me even more than he did first time, that i had to go and borrow money from a friend. Anyway, i have him home now, so far he looks healthy, very aggressive but healthy. Today he ate streamed corn, sunflower seed, broccoli, peanuts. I am not sure what to feed him and what not, he seems same age as the one that i lost, but the guy says he is 6 months old. The bird have very dark grey eyes, but not 100 % back, under light you can see the grey. The bird has been smuggled into the country through three different countries before it got here, so you can imagine how it feels. I hanged the bird cage high in the room so that he is comfortable, i'll give hi his time. Can someone guide me on how to go on from now. What to feed him what not? Should i use the formula (however, he doesn't allow me near him)?
  3. I tried my best, I fed him three times a day, but he was weak, i dont know what els should i have done. I feel so guilty, sad angry. (actually not sure what i'm feeling). I told my kids that he is sick and that i took him to the doctor. I went back to the guy i got it from, told him what happened, he was sad. He had another baby that looked very healthy and he told me that those are brought from nests in the wild and that he is 6 months old. He offered that i could take this baby (which made an aggressive sound like a cat if you get close to) or he had a 3 year old one, that is somehow tammed. Anyway, i'm not sure if i want to bring a bird with me home, i'm affraid that i will lose him as well. Sorry, i just want to share whats going on with me. Thank you all for your help and support, speacial thanks to Dave.
  4. I found parrot formula, i started spoon feeding him 2 days ago as he stoped eating on his own at all, and had wattry stool. I lost him today 2 hours ago. He just fell off the pearch dead. (((
  5. Thank you Dave very much. I weaned a quaker few years ago when i lived in the states, and i used to feed him using a syringe. The baby food i am talking about isn't for women , its for babies (attached is a photo). I don't think that i will find formula for parrot baby, but i will go and search, maybe we could be lucky. You made my heart fall when you said 3.5 months. He is so young. Even when i carry him now (he is not scared off me at all), i only feel bones, there is no meat on him, is this normal? Also it takes him long time to cut a carrot, he have to try very hard. One last thing, hestayes the whole day on a perch, should i remove it and put a towel in the bottom of his cage. Thank you for all the help.
  6. hi, Today i placed the parrot (no name yet) on top of his cage, as he/she didn't eat well today and i wanted to check on him, anyway he kinda spooked and fell on the floor. he couldn't fly. So now i am really not sure how old is he/she. I am attaching a picture that i just tool, maybe someone can give me an approximate age? He might be a baby that isn't wild caught. and i am afraid that he is not weaned well. The only food that is available are sunflower seeds, and i know that these are not that good for him. i try to put fruits for him, but he does not eat them on his own so i cut them in small pieces and try to feed him one by one, he keeps on chewing on them but it just falls off his peak after few seconds. I was thinking of bringing him Nestle Cerelac for babies (the best option i have) (not sure what kind yet, wheat, rice, fruits,....) and then feeding him by a syringe. What do you think? What should i do. Attached is the picture.
  7. I believe that he is between 4 and 6 months old based on his eye colors, they are dark grey. I live in a country where nobody breed CAG, and young birds are smuggled from other countries (at least thats what i was told) i was informed that this is a wild caught bird. This is what i know. I really hope that he is not, cause i believe it will be cruel to get a wild caught bird. But i was told that after i got him. Today i was so sad when i saw how they catch them in the wild on youtube.
  8. Hi, I need some help. I brought today a 4 or 5 month old CAG that is wildly caught. I am not sure how to handle the bird, he is very frighten and is making a sound like fearing cat when i get close to him. However is is eating, and he does not bite me, but tries to scare me with his peak. Any help?
  9. can you help me and answer some of my questions?

  10. hi how are you? I am sorry for coming like this but i need some help.

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