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About Eshana

  • Birthday 08/09/1991


  • Biography
    I'm basically an animal lover all around. I read, play video games, and write in my spare time


  • Location
    SI, NYC


  • Interests
    rats, birds, vegan baking and cooking, video games, reading


  • Occupation
    Content Editor intern at Sonic Boom Games

Eshana's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. If you plan on taking your parrot outside, even with clipped wings, you should at LEAST use a harness, if not a carrying cage. I'd be uncomfortable bringing a parrot to a store that sells other parrots, though. Especially since pet stores are notorious for not properly taking care of their "stock".
  2. Sorry I've been MIA for a while! ~I moved into my apartment ~I graduated undergrad with a BS in corporate communications ~I got a job as an associate producer So as you can see, my life has been pretty hectic! I am now making enough money to afford a grey, easily, but I'm now working super long hours! Anyway, I hope to come on as often as I can to continue to do research and participate in conversation, but I don't feel comfortable getting my grey just yet....at least not until I'm adjusted to the long hours.
  3. Well, if one doesn't pop up for rescue, I'll get a baby from my favorite aviary...Fancy Feathers Aviary. Thanks for all the support, guys!
  4. Welcome! You have quite the handsome senegal.
  5. Still no luck with finding a single grey in my area! It's so funny...just two months ago they were everywhere...
  6. Poor boy! He's such a cutie, though! You're awesome for taking him in and caring for him.
  7. I live right by a subway. Every time I've brought a bird home they freaked out as the train went by (every 15 minutes!) but after around a month or so they get used to it.
  8. Thanks for the support guys! I've been scouring the internet, but can't find a single grey in my area for rescue! What's up with that? Ah well...at least they all must have homes!
  9. Oh trust me, my patience has lasted much longer than this. When I was 14 years old I volunteered at the SI Children's Museum, and they had a sort of "mascot" Sun Conure. It was my dream to have a bird after that...and I didn't get my first bird until last year at 20 years old, and my dream bird has always been a Grey. So I'm very excited! Like I said, I need to save up some money (I believe it'll take me around 8-10 weeks) but if a rescue comes along in my area, that's fine too. Trust me, I've checked craigslist, petfinder, kijiji, everything!
  10. What cute birdies! Especially your parrotlet!
  11. I'm officially moving in one month, so I'm finally ready to get a CAG or TAG! I'm going to go to my breeder once I have all the money in the bank (I started saving from my paychecks), but until then I'm open to adopting if the right grey comes along. I live in the NYC area, but could travel to New Jersey or Pennsylvania if needed.
  12. She moved out today! I move in by the middle of next month! i should start preparing for a grey.
  13. We spray him with a disinfectant from the vet, and it usually stings enough (not the purpose) that he won't try licking for a while. Unfortunately there's nothing much else we can do. I exercise him as much as possible, but his stress just causes him to continue licking. I hope you figure out how to make your Kirby stop!
  14. My Shane, a Golden Retriever, was a rescue. He spent his life living in a cage, and now he has bundles of nervous energy due to that. So he constantly licks his paws down to the bone. Perhaps she has energy that she can't release due to her legs and is taking it out on her wound?
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