My African Grey screeches when she realizes I'm in the house - but she isn't getting any attention from me (or she can't see me). The sound drives my wife crazy as she has super-sensitive hearing. Is there a way to train Koko to not screech? People who tell me some wise-ass remark like I shouldn't have a parrot if I won't accept the screeching need not respond - please.
I'm only looking for constructive help.
Also, once in awhile, my parrot gets "bitchy" with me and bites my hand -
HARD!!! The only way I can get her to let go is to shake my hand violently until she can't hold on any longer. By that time, I am usually bleeding profusely. This is not normal behaviour for her and I don't know what sets her off - but I can sometimes see in her eyes that an attack is coming.
Other times, she catches me by surprise. 95% of the time, she is a great pet and, during the day, she is always outside her cage with plenty of food and water - and toys. Any "constructive" recommendations would be appreciated. Wise-ass remarks - keep to yourself!!! I don't need them - and I have no intention of getting rid of my pet. I'd just like to improve the situation. Thanks...........