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Everything posted by krikkit

  1. I just want to tell you.... I'm devastated this thread is at it's end. It has provided ample delight for three days now. I've been reading bits and pieces, savoring it.
  2. OMG. Gangsta CAGs. For some reason it's even more brilliant that he's dancing to Nelly! I would have put them more as polka and disco creatures. Shows what I know.
  3. Oh, believe me, I won't be ABLE to stay away. My husband, as I was reading the third page of the "Cognition" thread heaved an overly dramatic sigh and said, "It's not if, it's when, isn't it?" Heh heh heh. He's on board too. I'm sure this board will serve to fill my daily grey dosage in the mean time. And yes! I agree - the better prepared the better.
  4. Well, I am less than a week here and now apparently going to be gone again. I was intending to re-home a seven year old CAG from a family who had overextended itself. Yesterday, one of their cats died from an arterial thrombosis. This so devastated the family that they renewed their commitment to their pets and Russell (the bird) has been promised the life he deserves. I have kept my offer open, but it doesn't look like I'll be bringing home this particular Grey. I must share, however.... I arrived here secretly hoping to be talked out of taking the parrot. I thought I would learn of the extensive work required, the subtle yet mandatory changes to my life I'd need to make, and the amount of time and effort I'd have to find and realize that perhaps it was not for me. I did learn all of those things, except they had the opposite effect. I am now, more than ever, convinced that these creatures are magical. Their unique personalities, their phenomenal capabilities and their souls are something I want to experience in my life. I even realized how gosh darn CUTE they are, with their little expressions. You have made a believer out of me. So I am smitten. I'm pretty sure I'll be back. Thank you for sharing and extending your love.
  5. BRILLIANT reminder on the Teflon. I've read more about it and it is a much larger danger than I thought. It's not just if it goes over 400, it's using it at all. I will have to see if our air system shares with any other apartments. Also, out would go the George Foreman Grill! These are things that, when I'm getting them bit by bit, seem easy and acceptable changes to make. If I got all of it in one fell swoop, I think I'd be overwhelmed. I need to remember that when talking to my husband. He is a dream, honestly, and won't say yes when he secretly means no. If we decide on this, I have no doubt he will graciously and fully jump in with me.
  6. Thank you for so much support! From what I understand, Russell is one of a fairly impressive menagerie of five cats, two dogs and one other bird. My friend's wife works rehabilitating dogs, so that is her primary focus and my friend works out of town quite often. Russell was mostly the companion of their oldest daughter, but she just left for college. Russell mourned and became a bit of a pill and, unfortunately, they are stretched pretty darn thin. It's not like he's going to go to a shelter or anything, they just know he's not getting the attention he needs and he's shut in his own room for most of the day. We are all taking it slow to see how the idea fits everyone. I am going to laugh forever at the idea of my house being "a shrine to cleanliness and aesthetic beauty." (Nice turn of phrase, by the way.) We are clean, health conscious and still child-proofed for our daughter, but I believe a living space is to be lived in. A floor is to be danced on and occasionally windows will be painted with pudding. Mess doesn't kill, although I'm studying the list of cleansers that might. The addition of feathers, thrown fruit and bird poop are nothing compared to potty training a kid who refuses to wear her diapers. I'll keep you posted. I'm out of town for another three weeks so nothing can happen for a while anyway. It will give me time to really take everything in besides the excitement of the idea.
  7. That's exactly what I was wondering. The advice on other threads about not reacting to their biting is also helpful. And thanks for the reassurance that, with love and patience, there can be a trusting connection. I appreciate the words of caution as well. I am researching my tuchus off because I understand what kind of commitment this is and I truly would not do that to a bird any more than I would adopt a child and then give him or her back. I haven't owned a bird, but I train dogs and worked as veterinary technician years ago. Animals are a huge love of mine and I absolutely won't take something like this on as a whim or "lark", I promise. And even if it's right for me, if it's not right for everyone in the family that won't be in the bird's best interests. Fortunately my pet food store also boards birds, so my daughter has been learning parrot manners since she was born because she adores visiting with them whenever we go. There is even a flock of wild parrots in our neighborhood and she freezes whenever she even hears them, as, I suppose, do I. Daddy's the holdout because he's worried about the extra effort which is a very valid concern. We shall see. In the mean time, I'll keep reading and preemptively asking questions. Thanks!
  8. I always say I'm going to lurk and then I dive right in. Hi. I'm Kim. I have wanted a Grey for over half of my lifetime and a co-worker just told me he has to get rid of his seven-year old named Russell. So now I'm devouring everything I can to make a truly informed and responsible decision that will be best for the bird and my family. I am so grateful for everything I've read here. I have already reversed my assumptions about clipping a bird's wings and was reassured that owning two cats isn't an automatic no-no. My question is this: I feel like meeting Russell is going to be like a blind date. I want to love him and I want him to love me. But I will be in his room and his home and he.... well, he doesn't necessarily get a lot of attention there. How to I best present myself to him? Should I bring treats? Just sit quietly and ignore him? And what behavior can I expect from him that may improve once he's with us. In other words, how do I know if he's just neglected or really not a good match? And should I go visit for a few weeks regularly so it's not such a shock when he comes to my home? Or is it better to make the transition swiftly and then give him time to trust us in his new environment? All hypothetical, of course. My husband is still a bit on the fence. (His threat used to be that he'd have a vasectomy if I came home with another pet, but now that I have a child, he has no bargaining chip. Ha!) Whatever happens, thank you for the joy your stories are giving me vicariously.
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