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my grey

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Everything posted by my grey

  1. my grey


    hi everyone I noticed on Monty what looks to be a crack on his beak. I took a picture so I can have all of your opinions. He eats well. I dunno if that is normal. Thanks for your help.
  2. I love my african grey, i never had a dna test, but was told he was probably a boy. We have had him for almost 8 mths now. He loves my husband, follows him everywhere, even whistles for him. He likes me but not as much as my husband. We were thinking of getting a dna test, but would love him just the same. Is it true that female birds love males?? We were thinking of getting a green Quaker parrot, but i want it to love me. I want it dna tested if its true about male birds loving females? what do you think? And do you think monty will be ok with a new bird?
  3. thank you. im so over paranoid
  4. i found a big grey feather in monty's cage this morning. Im freaking out because i dont know why, could he be molting or plucking. He is just a baby, he will be one in may.
  5. Monty is my greys name and he will be 1 yr old in june. My husband wanted a macaw and i wanted an african grey cause they are so smart. I won the battle. He flew into our hearts and has made a home. He is very spoiled. He is learning to talk, says hello, and other gibberish, he sticks out his tongue, and loves to whistle. Our only problem is every time we go to a pet store to buy toys or his food, someone always makes a suggestion on how to raise him. We are confused as they are many products out there for birds. So i found this forum to help us out and to get suggestions from REAL african grey owners. I dont mind spending money on monty, but i want to make sure we are spending money on whats best for him and the safest.
  6. When i first got my grey i just misted him, i found he did not get that wet. So i took him in the shower with me, and let him walk around that was the first time he really got soaked, He does not get mad anymore when he goes in. I put a towel in the dryer before i go in then take it out and wrap it around him when we are done, he loves that.
  7. my grey

    salt rock

    thank you for your imput, im always believing pet stores cause its my first grey. glad i found you guys.
  8. my grey

    salt rock

    hi i just got back from a pet store and they suggested i put a salt rock in my bird cage. If they get sick they lick it. i tried looking on the internet to support this info but there is none. does anyone know about this and if its good for them.
  9. hi everyone im a first time african grey owner and loving every minute. lots to lean glad i joined this forum.
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