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About Tommyr20

  • Birthday 08/12/1978


  • Biography


  • Location
    South Texas


  • Interests
    poker, dogs, games, my kiddos!


  • Occupation
    Janitorial Solutions "Owner"

Tommyr20's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. A lil run down. I've had him since Feburary, and nothing has changed. Same food, same water, same surroundings, same everything! Is it the time of the year? Is this normal? Any info will help. He is keep indoors of course. He has an outdoor gym that he didn't go to for a few days cuz i got tied up with work. Other than that I cant think of anything that might have caused this. He will be one year old in Novermeber. Thanks for any input!
  2. thank you dave! i will spray him often since i live in south texas and it's always hot down here! even during winter!
  3. ok, so Picasso is doing great! the only thing I have a problem with are all the lil white feathers that seem to always be floating around in our living room, kitchen, and poker room! Even when I see them on the floor and try to sweep them away they start flying all over the place!!!!! How do you all normally take care of this issue???? Is there like a machine that I can buy and place right next to my cage that might help contain these lil feathers? Whats the best way to sweep them away and keep them from flying all over the place!!!! Can this be a health issue to our kids?? please share your thoughts! Thank you all for the input!
  4. I got results from the lab this Wednesday, Vet said Picasso has low calcium and low white cell count!
  5. Thank you QP4CAG, I do check the temp on Picasso food with one of those point things for meat,lol whatever they are called but it aint digital thats for sure! Thanks for the tips, and welcoming! My CAG is about 13 weeks old, the seller told me he was about 10 wks old when I got it from him Feb 1. I still hand feed him a little in the morning and at night, but I'm cutting down on the serving so that he can start eating his pellets. About how much longer do you think I'll have to hand feed him? Last night I skipped it to see what he would do, and I was up till like 1 am and I could hear him tearing thru his pellets. When I normally feed him at night, the don't really go near the pellets. Thanks for your in put again!
  6. Check out Picasso play gym! I borrowed the idea from LisaM who posted a smiliar one on the Playgym thread under Home made toys and Playgyms. ,
  7. LisaM, I hope you don't mind but I borrow your idea and made my own! I liked it so I had to make one! ,
  8. I bring out Picasso to the porch everything morning for about an hour or so. I also let him walk around on the trampoline for a little while. No the vet couldn't tell me what was wrong with him, till they get back the blood work on Wednesday.
  9. Where did you get your bird at Lady? My name is Tommy and my bird is about 13 weeks old. I got my from a bird farm here in south texas! Welcome to the forum.
  10. Picasso seems to be feeling better. After I got back from the vet, only once have I seem him slouching on his perch (its the picture where he looks like he is sleeping). Maybe it was a prank by Picasso for attention (an expensive one) I too had the same thoughts you did Sherrie on giving him meds without know what is wrong. But I guess they are meds that will do more good than harm.....who am I to argue with a vet. So here are the pics of Picasso I snapped after the "bottom of the cage" incident. Since then like I said he back to whistling to get my attention for breakfast and dinner! , , ,
  11. I just got back from the Vet. They check his poop, and said everything looks good. They also drew some blood, and will get the results in by WED. being that the weekend is right around the corner! The good thing is that Picasso is eating when I feed him in the Mornings and at night. They did give me some liquid meds to give him 2x a day. And the vet did prescribe some antibiotics to be on the safe side until the results come in. Ill post some pictures up in a bit. If I stand him on the perch, he will stand there, it just seems like he gets tired after a while. I'll keep you guys posted! Thanks for the input! Vet bill 149.00 (wow)! lol
  12. Hi everyone! Okay so my bird seems to have been doing fine since we last spoke! but the last two day i've been seeing something different! Yesterday I saw Picasso laying down on the bottom of the cage, on the rack. It look like he was actually stuck. But when I open the cage, it turned out he wasn't. Today I noticed it again. For some reason I thought that Parrots where always on Perches, even when sleeping. Do you all ever see your parrot laying at the bottom of the Cage? Or is this a sign of trouble? Please fill me in on your thought! thanks
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