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About Yardley

  • Birthday 01/09/1984

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi guys, it's been a few months since I adopted my 4 year old CAG Rubi. She's my first parrot and is the sweetest bird. I just have a question about her speech ability. She has learned a few new words since I've had her but mostly repeats the same things over and over. She goes through all of the same words every day, most of which are sounds and whistles with some words. Is she still too young to have a more expansive vocabulary? There are things I say to her every day that I would think she'd pick up and say by now. Also there are certain things she used to say that she doesn't say as much anymore. For example she would always make beeping sounds and say hello whenever the phone rang, but has stopped doing that now. She loves to say ready, are you ready, whats up. Sometimes she gets stuck trying to say whats up Rubi as you can see in the video haha. By the way this is where she sleeps it's not her actual cage. Here are some videos! http://www.vimeo.com/21278991 http://www.vimeo.com/19572653
  2. Here's a video of Rubi talking in the bathroom! This is the most she's talked yet. I've noticed she likes to talk when in the bathroom and I have to have the water running to get her started haha. http://vimeo.com/19572653
  3. 15 minutes is a number I just threw out there, it's definitely much less than that. I'm not in a hurry, I just felt like she got used to her new environment very quickly and I spend a lot of time with her since I work from home so I didn't think a little training could hurt. I totally understand your point.
  4. Thanks for the link. It does say that they're ok if thoroughly cooked but these are "ready to eat" out of the can. That was really my concern. I guess the safer option is not to feed these to her at all.
  5. Just wanted to see what you guys think about these fava beans? I scanned the can label, they are "ready to eat." I gave Rubi a few today and she seems to like them. Just want to make sure they're safe for her. Thanks!
  6. Thanks for the tips everyone! I've been trying some more food choices with her and I really think she enjoys things that are crunchy. I'm not going crazy with the training, mostly just about 15 minutes of the target training in the morning. Today her treat was crunchy vegetable chips. She loved them and ate them very quickly. Right now I warmed up some mixed veggies (corn, carrot, peas) and she seems to be eating them but I can tell they're not her favorite and that she's just hungry! She hasn't been talking much except for yesterday afternoon, she started talking a whole lot for a while. Other than that she's pretty quiet. The thing she does the most is this beep noise that sounds exactly like a microwave which would make sense since her previous owner kept her cage in his kitchen haha. Problem with that is my dog absolutely hates any kind of beeping/alarm noises and spends all day barking because of it.
  7. Hi everyone! I adopted a very sweet female CAG this past Saturday. She is going to be 4 in May and was hand raised/tamed. I was able to pick her up on the first day and she was putting her heard down for me to pet her by the second day. She steps up to everyone in the house by now but only let's me pet her. I am completely new to birds but she seems very happy in her new home. I took two videos of her that I have some questions on. This first video is of her eating a sunflower seed. I want to use these as treats for training her but she takes a really long time chewing on them and just seems to throw all of it out without really swallowing any. Is this normal? I've seen lot's of birds on youtube who love Sunflower seeds and gulp them down right away. The second video is of her constantly putting her feet in her mouth. She spends a lot of her time doing this throughout the day. Again, is this normal? Her nails do need to be trimmed as they are getting long. I have begun to target train her but it's proving difficult. She's a very picky eater and only really seems to enjoy the pellets her previous owner fed her. On my attempt this morning she didn't want any sunflower seeds or Apples what-so-ever, so I tried peanuts and she finally started to eat. (this was first thing in the morning before she had eaten anything) It's just weird to me since I've seen that so many birds love sunflower seeds! I even bought her yogurt covered sunflower seeds today and she did not like them at all. Any thoughts? Thanks! http://www.vimeo.com/19420623 http://www.vimeo.com/19422190
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