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About Mikestang

  • Birthday 03/19/1968


  • Location
    H204d NY


  • Interests
    Parrots Computers Cars Motorcyles


  • Occupation
    Computer Geek for the Government

Mikestang's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I am new at this too but please give ansers not critisim If the breeder is too far away perhaps you can find a good bird store to help you or even a vet. This is one of the reasons I never pushed for shelby to come home and she was 14 weeks old. but fully weaned
  2. I do a curled up fist sideways then shelby will go directly to my shoulder She does not sit on my hand for long if i am on a chair she will just sit on my lap or my knee and come in and posision her self to be rubbed around her neck and head...she seems to enjoy this alot.
  3. Judy thats why i have been trying to get her used to a few of my whistle's so when she chirps ill anser back with my "here i am" whislte
  4. I agree Talk or no talk I like the sounds she is making now but I think Shelby is trying to Say "good girl" and today I thought I herd her mumble "pretty bird" she has her standard chirp which she has been doing for a while now. but she was on my shoulder yeasterday and chirped louder than normal and man my ear was ringing.....
  5. Last two days shelby has been really vocalizing deep tones and trying to say things i been repeating to her for a while now she is only 5 months but she is trying She also is doing a whistle I have been ansering her call with for the last few weeks She will let out a kinda "HEY LOOK AT ME " yelp when i am not paying attention to her or in another room Ill call back with a whistle ya know the HEY YOU whislte ever one does well tonight she was doing it ! Its the first thing noise she has made that I have taught her I am so happy :cool:
  6. She is beautiful How old is milly ? she looks around the same age as my shelby (nov 17th 10)
  7. The lady that runs the shop that I got shelby from has a senegal with no toes does not seem to bother otis at all...
  8. Just a quick update I have been trying the special treat in a special bowl method and its been working very well Thanks for the advise. Ususally its something we are eating that is parrot safe last night was some hamburger and 3 unsalted french fries. Tonight was just some beans but still works well at snack time i been giving her some treats too and so far no unwanted dinner guest!
  9. I paid 1350 for shelby plus 8% tax but by the time i was done with a cage a playstand, toys and accesorys i was in the hole for about 2300.00 but i had nothing and also i got every thing that is top of the line. And i got everything I needed up front... Id spend every penny again I have no regrets its only money
  10. Thanks every one for your 2 cents and methods of eating around the bird was fun giving her a bath trying to get the chicken gravy greese out of her feathers and back...........
  11. Shelby was doing really well staying on her stand and eating her food while i eat my food but last few days she has been wanting to sit on my lap or help herself to my food. but here is the real problem she will just fly down to the food and its not the best thing since there are knives and forks around not to mention the food is hot. So from now on untill i can figure out how to stop her she will sit in her cage for meal time. I try to make sure i feed her before we all come in and sit down but its not working tonight i gave her some treats while i had my ice cream and she was distracted.
  12. Thats a real cat ???being held by a adult?? I got to see more pics of that tabby
  13. Thanks for the complements on Shelby I think she is just wonderful but i am a little predjudice.
  14. That bird is not 8 weeks but looks like a awsome lil dude Shelby was hatched nov 17 i bought her around jan 17th and she had no more pin feathers if you look on my ablum http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=30116&id=1751544583&l=8298c2f09a.. The last three pics shelby 1 to 3 they are crappy cell pics but those were take jan 25th which would put her right at 8 weeks I wish you and Kenya the absolute best I am sure she is better with you than that unscrupulos breeder Shelby never came home till march 2nd
  15. Poor thing I really hope there is a place in hell for ppl that do these things to animals 1. bird plucked it its red feathers cause the abuser would pluck them to sell. 2. both wings would not set right due to being broken. 3. His personality was amazing considering the abuse he sufferd. 4. he was kept in a parakeet cage with 2 other greys. 5. his foot was messed up so between the wings and feet he was basicly hobbled This still has me a little shook up I SWEAR none of this would ever happen to my Shelby. The bird is in a good home now and is loved but He is onl 15 and has a long way to go with all these ingery's. I felt like i wanted to find the person responcible and do to them what they did to this bird. why does this have to happen.
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